A. Consistent with Butte County Air Quality Management District (BCAQMD) indirect Source Review Guidelines, the following construction dust and equipment exhaust emissions measures shall be implemented:
1. Water all active construction sites at least twice daily. Frequency should be based on the type of operation, soil and wind exposure.
2. Use chemical soil stabilizers on inactive construction areas (disturbed lands within construction projects that are unused for at least four consecutive days).
3. On-site vehicles limited to a speed of 15 miles per hour on unpaved roads.
4. Land clearing, grading, earthmoving or excavation activities suspended when winds exceed 20 miles per hour.
5. Non-toxic binders (e.g., latex acrylic copolymer) should be applied to exposed areas after cut and fill operations.
6. Plant vegetative ground cover In disturbed areas as soon as possible.
7. Cover Inactive storage piles.
8. Paved streets adjacent to the development site should be swept or washed at the end of each day as necessary to remove excessive accumulations of slit and/or mud which my have accumulated as a result of activities on the development site.
9. Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within 24 hours. The telephone number of the BCAQMD shall also be visible to ensure compliance with BCAQMD Rule 201 and 207 (Nuisance and Fugitive Dust Emissions).
10. Prior to final occupancy, the applicant demonstrates that all ground surfaces are covered or treated sufficiently to minimize fugitive dust emissions.
11. Construction equipment exhaust emission shall not exceed District Rule 202 "Visible Emission" limitations.
12. Construction activities shall utilize existing power sources (e.g., power poles) or clean fuel generators rather than temporary power generators.
13. Primary contractor shall be responsible to ensure that all construction equipment Is properly tuned and maintained.
14. The contractor shall employ construction activity techniques such as the following: reducing the number of pieces used simultaneous, increasing the distance between emission sources, reducing or changing the hours of construction and scheduling activity during off-peak hours when feasible.
B. If any archaeological or historical sites are uncovered during grading activities, then work shall cease et the uncovered site. A qualified archaeologist shall evaluate the site, then prepare a written report describing the significance of the site and making recommendations on its disposition. The city shall comply with the recommendations made in the report. Work shall not resume at the uncovered site until final disposition of the site is completed.
(Ord. 758-2005 (part), 2005)