13.02.100 Meter tests and adjustment of bills for meter error.
   A.   Tests.
      1.   Prior to installation. Every electrical and water meter will be tested at or prior to the time of installation, and no meter will be placed in service if found to register more than 1% fast or l% slow.
      2.   On customer request.
         (a)   A customer may, with advance notice of not less than one week, request the city to test the meter for his service.
         (b)   No charge will be made for such a test, but, should a customer request a test within 12 months after installation, or more often than once in 12 months, he will be required to pay a deposit in accordance with the city's fee schedule, to pay in part, the cost of the test. This deposit will be returned if the meter is found to register more than 2% fast or 2% slow.
   B.   Adjustment of bills for meter error.
      1.   Fast meters. When, upon test, any meter is found to be registering more than 2% fast, the city will refund to the customer the amount of the overcharge based on corrected meter readings for the preceding six months, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4. hereof.
      2.   Slow meters. When, upon test, any meter is found to be registering more than 2% slow, the city may bill the customer for the amount of the undercharge based on corrected meter readings for the preceding one year, subject to provisions of paragraph 4. hereof.
      3.   Nonregistering meters.
         (a)   When, upon test, any meter is found to be nonregistering, the city may bill the customer for the estimated amount of electricity and water consumed but not registered for a period of three months, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4. hereof.
         (b)   Bills for this purpose will be estimated from customer's prior use, the customer's subsequent use correctly metered, the city experience with other customers of the same class, and the general characteristics of the customer's operations.
      4.   General. When it is found that the error in a meter is due to identifiable causes, the date of which can be reliably established, the overcharge or the undercharge will be computed back to but not beyond that date, provided, however, that in no case will a bill for undercharge on service schedules be rendered for a period exceeding three years.
   C.   In no event will the request for testing of a meter prevent the termination of services due to non-payment of utility charges.
(Ord. 785-2009, § 7 (part), 2009)