A. The amount of deposit to establish or to re-establish credit for specified city utility users for any combination of city utility services (electric, water, and sewer) shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
B. An applicant for a new commercial account may request a review of the amount of the electrical deposit based upon projected differences in the amount of electrical consumption in the structure. Likewise, the City Administrator, or their designee, may determine that the amount of the deposit for a new commercial account should be increased or decrease based upon projected differences in the amount of electrical consumption in the structure which would warrant an increase (or decrease) in the deposit. Such review shall consider changes in intensity of use, hours of operation, installed electrical equipment and other factors which would justify an increase or a decrease in the amount of the deposit. The amount of the deposit for commercial accounts may be modified by the City Administrator.
(Ord. 785-2009, § 7 (part), 2009)