10.65.050 Method of collection when determination is final.
   A.   The City shall terminate proceedings on the notice of delinquent parking violation in the event the City collects the penalties and administrative fees, or when the City receives information, which it shall verify with the department of Motor Vehicles, that the penalty has been paid to the Department.
   B.   Except as otherwise might be allowed by Vehicle Code Sections 40221 and 40222, or other provision of law, the City shall proceed to collect all final determinations for which parking penalties and administrative and service fees remain due (either when the right to appeal has expired or when there has been a final determination) by either filing an itemization of unpaid parking penalties and administrative and service fees with the Department of Motor Vehicles for collection with the registration of the vehicle or, if more than $400.00 in unpaid penalties and fees have been accrued by any person or registered owner by proceeding to obtain a civil judgment pursuant to the provisions of Vehicle Code Section 40220.