All mechanical devices, apparatus or equipment associated with agricultural operations conducted on agricultural zoned property are exempt from the provisions of this chapter, except in the vicinity of residential land uses, in which case a variance permit shall be required in accordance with this chapter to operate noise producing devices, with the following stipulation:
A. Operations do not take place between eight P.M. and six A.M.; or
B. Such operations and equipment are associated with protection or salvage of agricultural crops during periods of potential or actual frost damage or other adverse weather conditions; or
C. Such operations and equipment are associated with agricultural pest control through pesticide application, provided the application is made in accordance with permits issued by or regulations enforced by the County Office of Agriculture; or
D. Such devices utilized for pest control which incorporate stationary or mobile noise sources (electromechanical bird scare devices, etc.) are operated only by permit issued by the noise control office. The allowable hours and days of operations of these devices will be specified in the permit.
E. All equipment and machinery powered by internal combustion engines shall be equipped with a property muffler and air intake silencer in good working order.
(Ord. 715-2002).