A. It is unlawful for the responsible party or occupant of any lot or premises within the City to maintain thereon any weeds, brush, garbage, grass or material likely to become easily ignited.
B. It shall be the duty of the responsible party in control of any lot, piece or parcel of land in the City to remove all noxious weeds, vegetation or dry grass and all dead trees, garbage, refuse, unusable or abandoned automobiles or parts thereof, cement, concrete, or foundations from dismantled buildings or buildings in such disrepair as to be a fire hazard, or waste materials of any kind which may endanger or injure neighboring property or the welfare of the residents in the immediate vicinity.
C. The responsible party in control of any lot within the City shall keep the sidewalks adjoining the same clean and clear of all weeds, dry vegetation or garbage to the outer line street curb adjoining such lots.
D. It shall be the duty of the responsible party to maintain their property in compliance with the following standards:
1. To be free of conditions that constitute health and safety hazards, encourage abuse and trespassing by others that create a blighting effect in the neighborhood, and otherwise adversely affect adjacent properties;
2. To maintain sheds, garages and other outbuildings in a whole condition free of missing boards, broken doors or glass, or other conditions that would allow refuge of rats, animals, or vermin;
3. To maintain buildings so that they are capable of serving the purpose of protecting from the elements (with the exception of buildings not constructed for that purpose such as gazebos, arbors, and the like);
4. To maintain sidewalks adjacent to public rights-of-way and fences in a whole condition, free of conditions that constitute a health or safety hazard or encourage trespassing or otherwise creating a blighting effect in the neighborhood;
5. To maintain shrubs, trees, and other vegetation and landscaping (including xeriscape) on and adjacent to the premises as landscape parkways in such a manner as to prevent health or safety hazards, visual blight, and unhealthy plant materials. Any landscaping materials that are within parkways not maintained shall be rehabilitated or replaced, shall not consist of dead grass or vegetation, but live plant material to preserve the aesthetic and environmental quality of life.
E. No responsible party shall maintain their property or structures in the following condition:
1. Excessive accumulation of animal waste, nor the disposal of such waste in an open ditch or storm drain;
2. Allow animal carcasses to remain exposed after death;
3. Ponds, reservoirs, swimming pools, and other forms of water features shall not contain trash, debris, organic matter, leaves, garbage, or other effluvia, nor allow unmaintained pool water to have brackish, green algae;
4. Holes in or under barriers;
5. Malfunctioning self-closing, self-latching devices, and locks on gates;
6. Trash, garbage, and/or recyclables stored in such a manner as to overflow, be an attraction to rodents, animals, or vermin, or subject to being strewn around property and not in acceptable containers;
7. Storing items in a manner to be hazardous or inviting of theft. These items include, but are not limited to, lumber, boxes, barrels, bottles, cans, ladders, carts, logs, metal, large appliances, and old vehicles.
8. Throw, leave, deposit, or otherwise allow to accumulate on their property any worn out, broken, or worthless items, waste, garbage, trash, debris, refuse or inoperable vehicle and vehicle parts nor any materials impeding the mowing and maintenance of vegetation, e.g. grass and/or ground cover. Such items include but are not limited to food products, food containers or items that are broken, deteriorated, or in a dismantled condition. This subsection applies to those who rent, lease or own the property who are equally liable as to the maintenance of property.
(Ord. 819-2016 § 2 (part), 2016)