14.05.050 Number of units.
   A.   For New Development of Vacant Land. In the case where a New Development is being constructed on vacant land or land that has not previously been developed:
      1.   Residential Land Uses:
         a.   For all residential land uses, a unit is a single dwelling unit (i.e., a single-family residence is one unit; a duplex is two units; a six-apartment complex is six units).
      2.   Nonresidential Land Uses:
         a.   For nonresidential land uses, a unit is 1,000 square feet of building space and is calculated by dividing the square footage by 1,000.
   B.   For Development of Land with Existing or Pre-Existing Structures or Replacement Structures:
      1.   Residential Land Uses:
         a.   For a residential expansion project of 500 square feet or more, the incremental new square footage will be charged the fee on a proportionate basis.
         b.   For residential replacement projects, if the project involves development of a new residential structure after the demolition of a pre-existing structure (regardless of the use of the preexisting structure), and the new structure is larger than the demolished structure by 500 square feet or more, only the incremental new square footage will be charged the fee on a proportionate basis.
         c.   For residential expansion or replacement projects of less than 500 new square feet, no fee will be due.
         d.   For purposes of fee calculation on a proportional basis, a residential unit will be considered 2,000 square feet. Therefore, to calculate the fee for a residential expansion or replacement of 500 square feet or more, the units will be calculated by dividing the new square footage by 2,000. For example, an expansion of 500 square feet would be charged the rate for one-quarter of a unit.
      2.   Nonresidential Land Uses:
         a.   For nonresidential expansion projects more than 500 new building square feet, the additional square footage will be converted to units the same as for new construction by dividing the additional square footage by 1,000.
         b.   For nonresidential replacement projects, if the project involves development of a new nonresidential structure after the demolition of a pre-existing structure (regardless of the use of the pre-existing structure) and the new structure is larger than the demolished structure by 500 square feet or more, the additional square footage will be converted to units the same as for new construction by dividing the additional square footage by 1,000.
         c.   For nonresidential expansion or replacement projects of less than 500 new building square feet, no fee will be due.
(Ord. 846-2023 (part), 2023)