17.83.060 Non-residential zone occupancy permit - Application, issuance, and expiration.
   A.   An administrative permit authorizing occupancy of the mobile home or recreational vehicle in a non-residential zoning district shall be obtained within five working days after a mobile home or recreational vehicle is moved onto a lot and is occupied and will continue to be occupied without being attached to a permanent foundation.
   B.   The permit may be issued by the Planning Director, with appeal to the Planning Commission. An application for a permit shall be accompanied by a written statement supporting the need for the requested occupancy.
   C.   The permit shall be valid for a period of three months, and may be renewed once by the Planning Director for another three months. Additional renewals shall require approval of the Planning Commission, and shall be based upon evidence of good faith effort to eliminate the need for occupying mobile structures which are not attached to a permanent foundation.
(Ord. 823-2016 § 30 (part), 2016)