All off-street parking spaces shall be located as follows:
A. Off-street parking spaces for residential use may be located in the side and front yard setback areas. Front yard areas for off street parking is restricted to that area that is specifically paved for the driveway/access drive limited to the lot coverage percentages for each zoning district. Rear yard parking is allowed when adjacent to an alleyway. All parking spaces shall be provided with an approved surface as described in Section 17.76.050C., Refer to Section 17.72.040B for sight distance area clearances.
B. A parking lot in conjunction with a use requiring off-street parking may not be located on a separate lot, shall not be located on a corner lot, and may not be constructed as the single use of a commercial or residential lot.
C. Off-street parking lots in conjunction with commercial use are not permitted on residentially zoned properties adjoining commercial districts.
D. All off-street parking areas shall be landscaped and provide trees, shrubs, and groundcover.
(Ord. 823-2016 § 26 (part), 2016)