The purpose of the DMU Downtown Mixed Use District is to enhance the vitality of the Downtown are as shown in Exhibit "A" at the end of this chapter by allowing and encouraging a full range of high-intensity uses, including retail, multifamily housing, offices, entertainment and civic uses. The DMU District regulations specifically implement the following goals from the General Plan:
A. Enhance the Downtown as the predominant activity center and community gathering place for the surrounding areas.
B. Reinforce a compact development pattern in the Downtown core to support commercial uses for the surrounding residential areas.
C. Promote the Downtown's vitality and cultural character to provide uses that support day and night activity, support pedestrian design and linkages to the parks nearby.
D. Support residential and commercial uses together as single story or multi-story in existing or new construction.
E. Encourage mixed use development with a residential component inclusive of multi-family and high density residential.
F. Allowance of a dynamic mixture of uses from retail, arts and entertainment, restaurant, office, community service, and civic.
(Ord. 823-2016 § 18 (part), 2016)