17.42.020 Permitted principal uses.
   Permitted principal uses are as follows:
   A.   Any light industrial, research and development, or manufacturing use.
   B.   The manufacture and assembly and storage of goods, materials, liquids and equipment, except the storage of combustible matter, explosives or materials which create dust, odors, or fumes or have the likelihood to be combustible.
   C.   Machine and welding shops.
   D.   Cabinet, furniture, light mill or woodworking shops.
   E.   Wholesale and storage warehouses; mini storage.
   F.   Dyeing and dry cleaning plants, rug cleaning plants, laundries, commercial food lockers and veterinary hospitals.
   G.   Adult entertainment businesses subject to provisions of Chapter 17.72.
   H.   Transitional, emergency shelters, and support housing providing housing for individuals or families without time limit for year-round use.
   I.   Other industrial and related uses together with accessories which the Planning Commission may determine are appropriate in the district, pursuant to this Chapter.
   J.   Manufacture and assembly of communications and testing equipment.
   K.   Manufacture, research and development of communications and testing equipment, scientific, medical, dental equipment.
   L.   Manufacture of tools, dyes, equipment, pattern making, and metal work.
   M.   The recycling and remanufacture of glass, plastics, rubber, cloth, clothing, and other materials to create another object from its original use and/or the processing of such materials for shipment to remanufacture at another location.
   N.   Microbreweries, food manufacture and packaging.
   O.   Passive energy systems manufacture or operation.
(Ord. 823-2016 § 14 (part), 2016)