The following findings must be made by the City Council prior to amendment of the General Plan to a different land use designation:
A. Development of the Urban Reserve area can be planned and phased to ensure efficient delivery of public infrastructure and services.
B. The Planned Growth Area is approaching buildout, and the Urban Reserve area will be needed to accommodate population and/or employment growth consistent with the goals of the General Plan.
C. The Urban Reserve area is required to accommodate land uses with extraordinary public benefits, such as a local employment center, that cannot feasibly be developed on lands within the existing City limits, Sphere of Influence, or Planned Growth Area.
D. The results of a Public Service Facilities Study finds that based upon the findings made above in subsections A. through C. above, that there would not be a financial burden placed on the City to provide services in life safety, water, sanitary sewer, and electric.
(Ord. 823-2016 § 5 (part), 2016)