A. Application shall be made on appropriate forms provided by the Planning Department.
B. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee set by resolution, no part of which shall be returned to any applicant.
C. A fee equal to the original application shall be submitted at the time an extension to a temporary use is requested.
D. An application with the established fee set by resolution shall be submitted for consideration by the approving body if an approved conditional or temporary use permit was granted and not established within a one year period as determined by the City Administrator/ designee and as described in Section 17.08.060, Revocation.
E. An application with the established fee set by resolution shall be submitted for consideration by the approving body if an approved conditional or temporary use permit was granted, established, and then vacated for a one year period as determined by the City Administrator/ designee and as described in Section 17.08.060, Revocation.
(Ord. 823-2016 § 2 (part), 2016)