5.04.420 Exclusions.
   Except as may be otherwise specifically provided in this title, the terms of this chapter shall not be deemed or construed to apply to any of the following businesses engaged in by any of the following persons:
   A.   Any gas or electric public utility which pays to the city a fee under any franchise agreement with the city;
   B.   Banks, including national banking associations to the extent provided by Article XIII, Section 16, subdivision 1 (a) of the State Constitution;
   C.   Insurance companies and associations as to the extent provided by Article XIII, Section 14 of the State Constitution;
   D.   Any person whom the city is not authorized to license for revenue purposes only because of any law or Constitution of the United States or the State;
   E.   The Finance Director may require the filing of a verified statement from any person claiming to be excluded by the provisions of this section, which statement shall set forth all facts upon which the exclusion is claimed.
(Ord. 565, 1990).