Division 1. Generally
9-101 Title
9-102 Authority
9-103 Purpose
9-104 Conflicting ordinances
9-105 Separability
9-106 Definitions
9-107 Penalties
Division 2. Litter
9-121 Authority
9-122 Litter prohibited
9-123 Keeping property clean
9-124 Public rights-of-way
9-125 Fees at landfills for transportation of loose material
9-126 Findings
9-127 Lien provisions concerning trash and rubbish
Division 3. Weeds and Rank Vegetation
9-131 Purpose
9-132 Prohibition
9-133 Notice of violation
9-134 Failure to comply with notice
9-135 Removal by county
Division 4. Abandoned Motor Vehicles on Public Rights-of-Way
9-141 Authority
9-142 Definitions
9-143 Abandonment prohibited
9-144 Removal
9-145 Notice to owners and lienholders
9-146 Disposition of abandoned motor vehicles
9-147 Fee for storage at facilities owned by the county
Division 5. Environmental Control and Enforcement
9-151 Administration
Division 6. Prevention of Illegal Dumping of Roofing Materials
9-161 Authority, findings and purpose
9-162 Permits required for roofing businesses; exception; applications
9-163 Violation; penalties and enforcement
9-164 Appeals
Division 7. Distribution of Unsolicited Handbills upon Private Premises
9-171 Findings
9-172 Definitions
9-173 Prohibition
9-174 Penalties
Division 8. Tire Businesses Selling Used and/or Waste Tires
9-185 Findings
9-186 Definitions
9-187 Prohibition
9-188 Applicability
9-189 Administration and enforcement
Division 9. Waste Tire Haulers
9-190 Findings
9-191 Definitions
9-192 Certification requirement for transporting waste tires
9-193 Disposal of waste tires
9-194 Violation
9-195 Penalties
The purpose of this article is to encourage a clean, healthy and aesthetically satisfying environment for the citizens of Greenville County, an environment free from nuisances, eyesores, unhealthy or devaluating conditions. To these ends, this article seeks to regulate, identify, and provide a means to enforce the regulations, in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents and property owners of Greenville County.
(1976 Code, § 9-103) (Ord. 2256, § 1.3, passed 6-4-1991)
Should any word, phrase, clause or provision of this article be declared invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration shall not affect this article as a whole or any part hereof except that specific provision declared by such court to be invalid or unconstitutional.
(1976 Code, § 9-105) (Ord. 2256, § 1.5, passed 6-4-1991)
For the purposes of this article, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the meanings respectively set forth.
Agricultural use means cultivated, crop producing, and livestock grazing areas so long as vegetation is now allowed to grow beyond the bounds of the lot or parcel and it does not become entwined in fences, buildings, trees abutting or on any other property to such an extent so as to create a nuisance due to unsightliness, serves as breeding ground for mosquitoes, a refuge for vermin infestation or creates a fire or traffic hazard.
Bulk means all discarded bulky waste, including discarded appliances, furniture, mattresses, tires, etc.
Container means a watertight receptacle made of metal, heavy-duty plastic, or material of similar strength, with a tight-fitting cover for the storage and disposal of solid waste. All containers must be closed at all times, except when being filled or emptied.
Construction site means any site used by a contractor in order to erect any type of structure. However, the term “construction site” shall not be construed to include highway and road repair or construction projects or any type of agricultural projects.
Contractor means any person who builds or constructs a structure or on behalf of the owner or another person. The term shall not apply to any construction activity for which a permit is not required.
Developed platted subdivision means any subdivision which has been completed according to the subdivision regulations of Greenville County as approved by the Greenville County Planning Commission.
Developed zoned residential area means an area designated as R-20, R-15, R-12, R-10, R-7.5, R-D, R-M1, R-M2, R-M7, R-RD, R-M, R-MA, R-MHP as set forth in the county zoning ordinance and which is not presently under large scale development or construction.
Garbage means all perishable refuse, including animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food; household rubbish, including paper, cardboard, boxes, rags, plastic, cloth, glass, bottles, cans and any similar waste; and dead animals.
Household garbage, for the purpose of § 9-124 of this article, means perishable refuse, including animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food; household rubbish, including paper, cardboard, boxes, rags, plastic, cloth, glass, bottles, cans and any similar waste that is generated from household activities, but shall not include discarded yard rubbish, weeds, brush, leaves, grass, vines, wood, shrubbery, trees, branches, stumps and similar materials.
Litter means any waste material containing disposable packages or containers, garbage, rubbish or solid waste which is not properly disposed of.
Natural use means a lot or parcel in a state provided by nature, without manmade changes or vermin infestation.
Person means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, association or organization of any kind.
Private property shall include, but not be limited to, the following exterior locations owned by any private person: yards, grounds, walks, driveways, entrances, passageways, parking areas, working areas, storage areas, vacant lots and recreational facilities.
Public property shall include, but not be limited to, the following exterior locations: streets, roads, public rights-of-way, medians, sidewalks, alleys and other public ways; and any and all public parks, grounds, lots, recreation facilities, waterways and drainage systems.
Rubbish shall include, but not limited to discarded yard rubbish, including ashes, weeds, brush, leaves, grass, vines, wood, shrubbery, trees, branches, stumps and similar materials; bricks, stones; and metal.
Solid waste means all refuse, including: garbage, rubbish, ashes, paper, wrappings, street cleanings, dead animals and solid market and industrial wastes not properly disposed of.
Vermin infestation means an overrunning or inhabiting of a lot or parcel with a large number of rats, snakes, or other dangerous, destructive or disease carrying animals within a developed platted subdivision or a developed zoned residential area to such an extent so as to create a nuisance or potential health problem for adjoining lots or parcels.
Weeds and rank vegetation means dense, uncultivated, herbaceous and/or woody growth in or within 200 feet of a developed platted subdivision or a developed zoned residential area which is over 18 inches high and creates a nuisance due to unsightliness or any herbaceous and/or woody growth which serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes, a refuge for vermin infestation or any growth that creates a fire or traffic hazard.
(1976 Code, § 9-106) (Ord. 2256, § 1.7, passed 6-4-1991)
Any person, firm, corporation or agent, who shall violate the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished within the jurisdictional limits of magistrate’s court. Each such person, firm, corporation or agent shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this article is committed or continued.
Greenville County may also seek injunctive relief, impose civil fees, or may institute any other appropriate action in courts of competent jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this article.
(1976 Code, § 9-107) (Ord. 2256, § 1.6, passed 6-4-1991; Ord. 2626, § 3, passed 9-6-1994)