Collection of garbage and trash is available to residents of the city only. Trash and garbage which originates outside the corporate limits of the city will not be collected. Such garbage and trash shall not be placed in the city at the residence of another or at any other place of collection within the city.
('76 Code, § 12-16) (Ord. 1970-2, passed 6-1-70; Am. Ord. 2012-16, passed 11-5-12) Penalty, see § 93.99
Garbage and trash collection service shall be provided by the city for individual residential dwellings. No such service shall be provided for commercial establishments or nonresidential property.
(‘76 Code, § 12-17) (Ord. 1970-2, passed 6-1-70; Am. Ord. 2012-16, passed 11-5-12; Am. Ord. 2021-12, passed 9-7-21) Penalty, see § 93.99
Statutory reference:
Service charges, see IC 36-9-25-11 and 36-9-30-21
Collection service for garbage and trash shall not be provided by the city on holidays recognized by the city. The city holiday trash schedule will be available prior to the beginning of the calendar year and will reflect any collection changes. This is subject to change without notice, though notice will be made at the earliest opportunity.
(‘76 Code, § 12-18) (Ord. 1970-2, passed 6-1-70; Am. Ord. 2012-16, passed 11-5-12; Am. Ord. 2021-12, passed 9-7-21)
All garbage and trash shall be set out or placed at one location at the sidewalk line, or at such other place as the Sanitation Foreman from time to time shall designate, no later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection. Such refuse shall not be set out for collection in advance of the regularly scheduled collection day, except after 6:00 p.m. the day before scheduled collection. Trash containers shall not be left at curbside except on the regular scheduled collection day or the evening before.
(‘76 Code, § 12-19) (Ord. 1970-2, passed 6-1-70; Am. Ord. 2012-16, passed 11-5-12; Am. Ord. 2021-12, passed 9-7-21) Penalty, see § 93.99
(A) It shall be unlawful to place or permit to remain anywhere in the city any garbage or other material subject to decay other than leaves or grass, except in a tightly covered metal or plastic container. All trash placed in containers must be placed in plastic trash bags.
(B) The only container acceptable to be utilized for residential trash collection is the 95 gallons container (toter) that is provided by the city. The contents of each container shall not exceed 60 pounds in weight. The toter must have all trash within placed in tied trash bags. Loose trash placed in the toter is not acceptable. A single residence is limited to one filled toter with a closed lid per week. Residents are encouraged to utilize recycling to meet this limit.
(C) If any resident finds a need for second toter to meet their needs, that resident may purchase a second toter through the Greensburg Utility Office. They will also incur an additional monthly trash collection fee. The additional toter must remain at the dwelling it was issued to unless notification is made to the Utility Office.
(‘76 Code, § 12-22) (Ord. 1970-2, passed 6-1-70; Am. Ord. 2012-16, passed 11-5-12; Am. Ord. 2021-12, passed 9-7-21)) Penalty, see § 93.99
Empty trash and recycling containers (toters) shall be removed from the place designated in § 93.13 the same day collection is made.
(‘76 Code, § 12-20) (Ord. 1970-2, passed 6-1-70; Am. Ord. 2012-16, passed 11-5-12; Am. Ord. 2021-12, passed 9-7-21) Penalty, see § 93.99
(A) Collection of all vegetation described in this section will only be collected on the same day as the resident's normal trash collection.
(B) The city will collect brush for residential property owners who trim their woody vegetation. It must be placed at the curb in front of the residence with all the butt ends facing the street and be of a manageable size to facilitate removal. If it is the removal of shrubbery, the root ball must be separated from the balance of the plant to prevent damage to city chipping equipment. Also, the city will pick up limbs, trimmings and branches that have fallen from storm damage.
(C) If any property owner who utilizes a tree/landscaping service, a contractor or hired service (including but not limited to removing, topping, and trimming trees or vegetation), the contractor or owner will be held responsible for the removal of the resulting brush and wood.
(D) Garden plants, flowers, weeds, and miscellaneous vegetation is preferred to be bagged. If it is not bagged, these items, if not more than three feet in length and no piece is more than four inches in width or thickness, must be tied in bundles. Small evergreen trees used in homes as Christmas trees will be accepted whole and will only be picked up the two weeks following Christmas. All ornaments and lights must be removed.
(E) All leaves and grass shall be bagged in tied durable plastic bags and placed separately from trash for collection. The bags must be separated or clear so city personnel can identify that they contain yard waste or leaves and will not be confused with trash. No leaves or grass shall be raked, swept, or placed in the gutters along the street which frequently are washed into catch basins and storm sewers blocking or stopping the drainage of such sewers.
(‘76 Code, §§ 12-22, 12-24) (Ord. 1970-2, passed 6-1-70; Am. Ord. 2001-8, passed 6-5-01; Am. Ord. 2012-16, passed 11-5-12; Am. Ord. 2021-12, passed 9-7-21) Penalty, see § 93.99
All garbage to be collected by the Sanitary Department of the city shall be securely wrapped with all liquids properly drained.
(‘76 Code, § 12-23) (Ord. 1970-2, passed 6-1-70; Am. Ord. 2012-16, passed 11-5-12; Am. Ord. 2021-12, passed 9-7-21) Penalty, see § 93.99
All newspapers, magazine, and cardboard must be placed within the toter for collection. Residents are to place these in their recycle toter that they may obtain from the Decatur County Solid Waste District. These items will not be collected during heavy trash collection periods.
(‘76 Code, § 12-25) (Ord. 1970-2, passed 6-1-70; Am. Ord. 2012-16, passed 11-5-12; Am. Ord. 2021-12, passed 9-7-21) Penalty, see § 93.99
No person shall cause or permit to accumulate any dust, ashes, or trash of such material that can be blown away by the wind anywhere in the city, except in a covered container. Such material shall be properly dampened so as not to cause dust when emptied by the city collectors, and no ashes shall be set out for collection unless they are cold and dampened.
('76 Code, §§ 12-22, 12-26) (Ord. 1970-2, passed 6-1-70; Am. Ord. 2012-16, passed 11-5-12) Penalty, see § 93.99