General Provisions
   110.001   Purpose
   110.002   Title
   110.003   Definitions
Grant of Franchise
   110.015   Grant
   110.016   Franchise area
   110.017   Use of public rights of way
   110.018   Use of county facilities
   110.019   Use of grantee facilities
   110.020   Franchise required
   110.021   Term of franchise
   110.022   Franchise nonexclusive
   110.023   Time is of the essence to this agreement
   110.024   Law governs
   110.025   Severability
   110.026   Transfer of ownership or control
   110.027   Franchise renewal
   110.028   Police powers
   110.029   Franchise fees
   110.030   Forfeiture or revocation
   110.031   Receivership and foreclosure
   110.032   Equal opportunity policy
   110.033   Notices
   110.034   Failure of county to enforce this franchise; no waiver of the terms thereof
   110.035   Rights reserved to the grantor
   110.036   No recourse against the grantor
Regulation of Franchise
   110.050   Regulatory authority
   110.051   Supervision of the franchise
   110.052   Rates and charges
   110.053   Performance evaluation
Bonds, Insurance, and Indemnification
   110.070   Performance bond and letter of credit
   110.071   Liability and insurance
   110.072   Indemnification
Design and Construction Provisions
   110.090   Authority to construct
   110.091   Construction and technical standards
   110.092   System construction schedule
   110.093   Extension of service
   110.094   Use of-streets
   110.095   Erection, removal, and common use of poles
   110.096   Construction reporting requirements
   110.097   Tests and performance monitoring
Service Provisions
   110.110   General service standards
   110.111   Services to subscribers and users
   110.112   Installations, connections, and other grantee services
   110.113   Service calls and complaint procedures
   110.114   Continuity of service mandatory
   110.115   Protection of subscriber privacy mandatory
   110.116   Right of individuals
Books, Records, and Reports
   110.130   Books and records available to the grantor
   110.131   Reports required
   110.132   Records required
Miscellaneous Provisions
   110.150   Public notice
   110.151   Captions
   110.152   Franchise applications
   110.153   Public hearings
   110.999   Penalty