§ 154.101  BILLBOARDS.
   (A)   Setback. No part of any sign shall be located on or extended into a public right-of-way. All parts of each billboard shall be set back no less than 15 feet from any right-of-way or property line.
   (B)   Spacing. No billboard shall be located within 500 feet of any other billboard.
   (C)   Total area. The maximum area for the face of any billboard shall be 400 square feet. The area shall be calculated by using the smallest rectangle which will encompass the entire sign face. Any extensions to the sign or any advertising message or copy on the sign structure, including the name of the outdoor advertising company on the border or trim, shall be included as part of the sign's total area.
   (D)   Height. The maximum height of an outdoor advertising sign shall be 35 feet and shall be measured as the vertical distance from the ground below the sign to the highest part of the sign.
   (E)   Size. The maximum vertical height of the billboard sign face shall be ten feet. The maximum horizontal length of the billboard sign face shall be 40 feet.
   (F)   Separation from other uses. No billboard shall be located within 500 feet of any lot upon which an existing residence, church or other place of worship, school, park, or public institution is located.
   (G)   The county may require the removal of any non-conforming, lawfully erected off-premises outdoor advertising sign only in accordance with the provisions of G.S. § 160D-912.
(Ord. passed 6-21-21)