(A)   Setback.
      (1)   The boundary of the property shall be a minimum of 200 feet from any residential use or residential zoning district or any hospital, nursing or convalescent home, retirement home, life care community, school, or church. However, the Planning Board shall be authorized to increase this set back if the situation warrants, based on the specific substances that are to be manufactured or stored and in what specific quantities.
      (2)   All structures (except fences or walls), buildings, storage areas, and accessory structures used in the operation shall be a minimum of 150 feet from all property lines or street rights-of-way.
   (B)   Design.
      (1)   Buildings must meet all requirements for hazardous occupancy under the NC Building Code.
      (2)   All storage facilities shall comply with the latest edition of the "Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, NEPA 30" of the National Fire Protection Association.
      (3)   The use shall be totally enclosed by a security fence or wall at least eight feet high or enclosed within a locked fireproof building.
      (4)   A vegetative screen, either planted or natural wooded area, shall be provided along any street right-of-way and any property line within 400 feet of property used or zoned for residential purposes.
      (5)   All plans shall be reviewed by the County Fire Marshal for approval in order to determine that existing services provide adequate protection.
   (C)   Application requirements. Documentation regarding the specific materials to be manufactured or stored and the potential hazard which may be encountered in an emergency due to these materials must be provided with the required application.
(Ord. passed 6-21-21)