   (A)   A property owner may place one sign with a sign face no larger than six square feet on the property at any time. This Section does not include snipe signs.
   (B)   A property owner may place a sign no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches in one window on the property at any time.
(Ord. 2017-3, passed 2-8-2017)
   One temporary sign may be located on the owner’s property for a period of 30 days prior to an election involving candidates for a federal, state, or local office that represents the district in which the property is located or an adjacent district or involves an issue on the ballot of an election within the district where the property is located or an adjacent district per issue and per candidate. The signs may be no larger than six square feet.
(Ord. 2017-3, passed 2-8-2017)
   One temporary sign that is not a snipe sign may be located on a property when:
   (A)   The owner consents and that property is being offered for sale through a licensed real estate agent;
   (B)   If not offered for sale through a real estate agent, when the sign is owned by the property owner and that property is offered for sale by the owner through advertising in a local newspaper of general circulation; and
   (C)   For a period of 15 days following the date on which a contract of sale has been executed by a person purchasing the property.
   (D)   The sign may be no larger than six square feet.
   (E)   Off-premises signs shall be allowed with permission of the property owner when the person placing the sign has met the conditions of either (A) or (B) above. The off-premises sign shall be no larger than six square feet and shall not be erected for more than 48 hours.
(Ord. 2017-3, passed 2-8-2017)
   One temporary sign no larger than six square feet may be located on the owner’s property on the day prior to and on a day when the property owner is opening the property to the public; provided, however, the owner may not use this type of sign in a Residential District on more than three occasions (no more than six days total) in a calendar year. This section does not authorize snipe signs. A property owner may use an off-premises sign under this section with the same restrictions upon the sign with the permission of the land owner.
(Ord. 2017-3, passed 2-8-2017)
   (A)   Generally. Within the Residential R-A and the Residential R-B Zoning Districts, the following regulations shall apply.
   (B)   Permanent subdivision signs. Permanent subdivision signs are permitted, but only in conformity with the following:
      (1)   Each subdivision shall have no more than one sign per entrance which must be located at the entrance(s) to the subdivision;
      (2)   The signs shall identify only the name of the subdivision;
      (3)   The signs shall be freestanding and part of a decorative sign structure made of wood, brick, stone, or masonry with an overall design compatible with the character of the neighborhood;
      (4)   The signs may be illuminated only externally from below and in a manner so that the light, reflection, or glare does not travel onto adjoining premises or streets;
      (5)   The signs shall be limited to a height of no greater than six feet, including the decorative sign structure, and a width of no greater than eight feet and the product of the height and width of which is no greater than 32 square feet per side, limited to two sides, and no closer than ten feet to any street right-of-way; and
      (6)   Provisions shall be made in the subdivision covenants for permanent maintenance of the sign and of the surrounding area, even if the area has been dedicated to public use. If not properly maintained, the city may remove the sign at the expense of those bound by the covenants to maintain the sign and surrounding area, and its relocation made only with the approval of the Plan Commission.
   (C)   Multi-family development signs. Multi-family development signs are permitted, but only in conformity with the following:
      (1)   Each development shall have no more than one sign per entrance which must be located at the entrance(s) to the development;
      (2)   The signs shall be freestanding and part of a decorative sign structure made of wood, brick, stone, or masonry with an overall design compatible with the colors and materials used in the residential buildings;
      (3)   The signs may be illuminated only externally from below and in a manner so that the light reflection, or glare does not travel onto adjoining premises or streets; and
      (4)   The signs shall be limited to a height of no greater than six feet, including the decorative sign structure, and a width of no greater than eight feet and the product of the height and width of which is no greater than 32 square feet per side, limited to two sides, and no closer than ten feet to any street right-of-way.
(Ord. 2004-10, passed 11-10-2004; Ord. 2017-3, passed 2-8-2017) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   Single-occupancy buildings. Where a single business or office is the sole occupant of a building, the business or office may be permitted the following permanent business signs:
      (1)   One freestanding sign limited to a height of no greater than 16 feet from the center of the street including the sign structure or if the building is situated at a higher elevation than the street, not higher than 16 feet above the foundation of the building. The width of the sign may be no greater than eight feet and the product of the height and width may be no greater than 64 square feet per side, limited to two sides, and no closer than ten feet to any street right-of-way. There shall be only one freestanding sign per parcel of land unless there are multiple buildings used for business in which case each building shall be permitted one freestanding sign. A single-occupancy building with a freestanding sign may include an electronic message board.
      (2)   In addition to one free standing sign, one of the following signs may be affixed to not more than three sides of the building:
         (a)   A wall-mounted sign limited to a height not above the gutter line of sloped roofs and not above the top of the wall or facade with flat roofs. Signs shall not extend outward from the wall more than 24 inches and the size may be no larger than the lesser of:
            1.   Ten percent of the surface area of the wall or building to which the sign is affixed; or
            2.   One hundred and fifty square feet.
         (b)   A projecting sign, not exceeding 24 square feet, projecting no more than four feet from the building wall, and no less than eight feet above a sidewalk.
         (c)   An awning sign not exceeding 20 square feet and only on the vertical face of the awning; or
         (d)   A window sign not exceeding the lesser of:
            1.   Forty-five percent of the window glass area; or
            2.   Twenty square feet.
   (B)   Multiple-occupancy buildings.
      (1)   May be permitted one freestanding sign in accordance with the same size regulations as § 156.56(A)(1). For multiple buildings per parcel, each building shall be permitted one freestanding sign.
      (2)   (a)   In addition to a freestanding sign, first-floor tenants of a multiple-occupancy building having their own exterior entrance shall be allowed one of the following permanent business signs:
            1.   A wall-mounted sign limited to a height not above the gutter line of sloped roofs and not above the top of the wall or facade with flat roofs. Signs shall not extend outward from the wall more than 24 inches and the size may be no larger than the lesser of:
               a.   Ten percent of the surface area of the wall of the unit of the building to which the sign is affixed; or
               b.    Thirty-two (32) square feet.
            2.   One projecting sign, not exceeding 24 square feet, projecting no more than four feet from the building wall, and no less than eight feet above the sidewalk;
            3.   One awning sign, not exceeding 20 square feet, and only on the vertical face of the awning; or
            4.   One window sign not exceeding the lessor of:
               a.    Forty-five percent of the window glass area; or
               b.    Twenty square feet.
         (b)   Where more than one wall-mounted, projecting, or awning sign is displayed upon the same side of a building, the total group is to be related in an orderly and integrated manner in a single horizontal row with a common centerline.
      (3)   First-floor tenants of a multiple-occupancy building without their own exterior entrance and upper level tenants shall be permitted on identifying plaque not exceeding three square feet. All plaques shall be placed immediately adjacent to the building entrance. Where more than
one plaque is placed at an entrance, the total group is to be related in an orderly and integrated manner in one or more vertical columns with common vertical centerlines. The horizontal centerline of each group must be five feet above the entrance threshold.
   (C)   Temporary business signs. In addition to signs permitted by § 156.45 through § 156.48 businesses located in zoning Local Business LB/A may have the following:
      (1)   Incidental signs. Incidental signs are permitted but shall not exceed three square feet. The signs may not be illuminated.
      (2)   If a property has been issued a building permit, one temporary sign may be allowed on the property. The sign shall be limited to a height of no greater than six feet, and a width of no greater than eight feet and the product of the height and the width of which is no greater than 32 square feet per side, limited to two sides, and no closer than ten feet to any street right-of-way. The sign may be displayed from the issuance of a building permit until the issuance of a certificate of occupancy but may not be present for longer than nine months.
      (3)   If a property is currently receiving project financing, one temporary sign may be allowed but shall be limited to a height of no greater than six feet, and width of no greater than six feet and the product of the height and width of which is no greater than 16 square feet per side, limited to two sides, and no closer than ten feet to any street right-of-way. The sign may be displayed for a period not to exceed three months.
(Ord. 2004-10, passed 11-10-2004; Ord. 2013-14, passed 10-9-2013; Ord. 2017-3, passed 2-8-2017) Penalty, see § 10.99