General Provisions
90.01 Title
90.02 Definitions
90.03 Running at large
90.04 Injury to property
90.05 Requirements for disposal, enforcement, and penalties for violations (pet waste disposal)
90.06 Manner of keeping
90.07 Keeping barking dogs and crying cats
90.08 Cruelty to animals prohibited
90.09 Keeping wild or vicious animals
90.10 Health hazard
90.11 Limitation on number of dogs and cat kept
90.12 Animals in the city
90.13 Trespassing animals
90.25 Definitions
90.26 Dogs to be inoculated and to have name tags affixed to collars
90.27 Inoculation to be performed by licensed veterinarian; issuance of certificate
90.28 Duration of inoculation
90.29 Specifications for tag
90.30 Exhibition of certificate upon request
90.31 Restraint of dogs
90.32 Impoundment of dogs running at large or unlicensed dogs; citation of owner or keeper
90.33 Notice and citation to owner or keeper of impoundment
90.34 Obstructing pound maintenance
90.35 Impoundment of dogs which have bitten persons
90.36 Impoundment
90.37 Redemption of impounded animals
90.38 City pound designated
90.39 Disposition of dogs deemed nuisances
90.40 Dangerous dog female at large
Vicious and Dangerous Dogs
90.50 Definitions
90.51 Unlawful to maintain
90.52 Owner's responsibility
90.53 Dog permitted to leave premises
90.54 Injunction
90.55 Liability of owner or dog attacking or injuring person
90.56 Right of entry; inspections
90.99 Penalty