   (A)   Purpose. The village deems it important to protect the historical street names and numbering within the village in order to protect and perpetuate the history of the community and to avoid burdening the residents and businesses within the village with the cost of address changes, which changes could have a potentially devastating economic impact on the residents and businesses with the village.
   (B)   Prohibition on changing street names and numbering. No street names or numbers within the village shall be altered or changed without the prior approval of the Village Council.
Penalty, see § 92.99
   No person or entity shall construct, rebuild or repair any sidewalk, curb or gutter, except by employing an experienced builder or contractor who shall perform the construction in accordance with the line, grade, slope and specifications established by the Village Engineer. The builder or contractor shall not construct, rebuild or repair any sidewalk without first obtaining a written permit pursuant to the requirements of the Building Code then in effect, except for with repairs of less than 50 square feet of sidewalk, no permit will be required.
(Prior Code, § 92.35) (Ord. passed 10-3-2000) Penalty, see § 92.99
   (A)   All sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be constructed or repaired in conformity with the specifications, and amendments thereto, by the Village Engineer and approved by the Village Council.
   (B)   The specifications will be placed on file with the Clerk of the village.
   (C)   All walks shall be constructed of portland cement construction.
(Prior Code, § 92.36) (Ord. passed 10-3-2000)
   Whenever the Village Council shall deem the construction of a new sidewalk, curb or gutter, or the reconstruction or repair of an existing sidewalk, curb or gutter, a necessary improvement, the Council shall so declare by resolution, describing the property in front of or adjacent to which the construction is ordered by lots, blocks or parcels of land. After adoption of the resolution, it shall be the duty of the Village Clerk to cause notice thereof to be given to each property owner affected, listing the approximate cost of the property owner’s share.
(Prior Code, § 92.37) (Ord. passed 10-3-2000)
   After approved, the Village Engineer shall obtain sealed bids, and upon receipt of the bids, the Village Council shall award the contract to one of the bidders, who shall thereupon be authorized and required to cause the sidewalks, curbs or gutters to be constructed, reconstructed or repaired.
(Prior Code, § 92.38) (Ord. passed 10-3-2000)
§ 92.44 BUILDERS.
   (A)   No sidewalk, curb or gutter shall be constructed, reconstructed or repaired in the village except by a qualified, experienced builder or contractor approved by the Village Council.
   (B)   To be considered qualified, the builder or contractor shall submit, unless waived by the Council, a written report which shall contain:
      (1)   Full name and address of person or business;
      (2)   Qualifications;
      (3)   Financial resume; and
      (4)   Two references from reputable citizens vouching for the applicant’s character and qualifications.
   (C)   The Council shall thereafter approve or disapprove the builder or contractor.
   (D)   The Village Engineer may cause work to be stopped and/or suspended for incompetence or failure to comply with this subchapter. At the next regular meeting of the Village Council, the contractor may appear and be heard. The Village Council, at the hearing, may revoke the stop-work order of the Village Engineer and permit the completion of the construction as was contracted out to the contractor.
(Prior Code, § 92.39) (Ord. passed 10-3-2000) Penalty, see § 92.99
§ 92.45 COSTS.
   (A)   The expense of construction, reconstruction or repairing of any sidewalk, curb or gutter shall be defrayed by the village and the property owner abutting the construction on the following basis:
      (1)   Village: 50%; and
      (2)   Property owner: 50%.
   (B)   (1)   The Village Council shall pay directly to the contractor, in the case of construction ordered, the entire cost of the construction. The property owner shall thereafter be billed the share of the cost allocated to the property by the Village Council.
      (2)   If any special assessment is not paid in full within 90 days from the billing date, interest will be assessed, and the Village Clerk shall certify the charge to the Village Assessor, who shall spread the same on the tax roll of the village as a special assessment. When it shall be expedient, however, the Council may collect the expense in an action of debt or assumpsit against the owner before any court of competent jurisdiction.
      (3)   If the Village Clerk shall be unable to collect any amounts so assessed, the Clerk shall return all the unpaid assessments to the Treasurer of the county in the same manner and with like effects as other returns to the County Treasurer. The returned assessments shall be collected by the County Treasurer under the provisions of the general tax laws of the state, together with interest and charges thereon.
(Prior Code, § 92.40) (Ord. passed 10-3-2000)