Construction plans shall be submitted on sheets not larger than 24 by 36 inches and to a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch. Construction plans shall include the following information:
(A) Cover sheet showing the location of the development; scales and symbols that are used; index to sheets; summary of quantities; appropriate place for approval of the Village Engineer; and the signature and seal of a registered professional engineer;
(B) North arrow and bench marks with their elevations noted. Bench marks shall be referenced to mean sea level datum as determined by the United States Geological Survey;
(C) Plan sheets showing the locations of all existing streets, right-of-way lines, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, sidewalks, drainage ditches, easements, rear lot drainage, direction of storm drainage flow, survey monuments, water mains, fire hydrants, and any other appurtenance or structure that might influence design considerations;
(D) Profile sheets indicating the existing ground line and proposed grades and elevations for all proposed streets, sanitary sewers, drainage structures, drainage ditches, and rear lot drainage. Elevations shall be referenced to the United States Geological Survey datum;
(E) Typical sections showing the right-of-way lines, proposed pavement widths, pavement thickness, base thickness, sub-base thickness, subgrade, crown, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and design data when required;
(F) Detail sheets showing the details of manholes, inlets, catch basins, curbs and gutters, drainage structures, and any other structure or appurtenance to be constructed, or reference made to the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction in the state’s Highway Standards published by the state’s Department of Transportation;
(G) Design computations for storm sewer design, for special structures, and pavement designs when required and for anticipated fire flow;
(H) Detailed description of erosion control measures to be taken during construction;
(I) Proof of application for an access permit from the County Highway Department when access to a county highway is involved;
(J) Proof of application for a 404 permit if any dredging, riprapping, fill work, or similar activities will be conducted in or around streams;
(K) Other specific additional information may be requested by the Village Engineer; and
(L) Permits for sanitary sewer and water main construction, if required.
(Ord. 04-09, passed 9-21-2004)
(A) After receiving approval of the preliminary plan, the subdivider shall submit three sets of construction plans to the Zoning Administrator who shall retain one set on file and distribute the remaining as follows:
(1) One set to the Village Engineer;
(2) One set to the County Superintendent of Highways when the subdivision is located outside the corporate limits of the village; and
(B) Construction plans shall be submitted a minimum of 30 calendar days before the final plat is to be submitted for review.
(C) The Village Engineer shall complete his or her review within 30 calendar days after all items of information required by § 12-4-2 have been submitted in writing.
(D) Within 30 calendar days after complete submission, the Village Engineer shall notify the subdivider’s engineer of approval of the plans or of any required changes unless the review time is extended for no more than 14 calendar days by the Village Engineer in a letter to the subdivider’s engineer listing reasons for the extension. If plans must be resubmitted, the Village Engineer shall also inform the engineer of the number of sets of plans to be submitted.
(E) When construction plans are resubmitted with the required changes, they shall be re-reviewed within 14 calendar days unless the review time is again extended by the Village Engineer in the manner set forth in division (D) above.
(F) The Village Engineer shall notify the subdivider’s engineer and the Planning Committee of the approval of the construction plans. Construction plans shall not be approved until proof of acquisition of a county access permit or 404 permit, if applicable, is submitted.
(Ord. 04-09, passed 9-21-2004)