   10-8-1   Definitions
   10-8-2   Permit requirement
   10-8-3   Information required for permit
   10-8-4   Permit fee
   10-8-5   Rules for installation
   10-8-6   Appeal of permit denial
   10-8-99   Penalty
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DISH. The part of an antenna or receiving system that is shaped like a saucer or dish.
   GROUNDING ROD. A metal pole permanently positioned in the earth to serve as an electrical conductor through which current may pass safely and dissipate.
   GROUND-MOUNTED. Any satellite dish antenna which is not mounted on a roof or is not attached to any structure, other than by a guy wire or other supporting wire or cable.
   RECEIVER. A television set or a radio receiver.
   SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA. Include any or all of the following:
      (1)   A signal-receiving device (antenna, dish antenna, or dish-type antenna), the purpose of which is to receive signals from satellites in earth orbit or other extraterrestrial sources;
      (2)   A low-noise amplifier (LNA) which is situated at the focal point of the receiving component and which magnifies, stores, transfers, or transmits signals to a receiver; and
      (3)   A coaxial cable which carries or transmits signals to a receiver.
(Ord. 247, passed 5-13-1986)
   No person, firm, or corporation shall install a satellite dish antenna without first obtaining a permit.
(Ord. 247, passed 5-13-1986) Penalty, see § 10-8-99
   (A)   The Trustee who chairs the standing Committee on Public Property and Building Inspection shall be responsible for issuing permits, provided the applicant for a permit submits an application which contains the following information:
      (1)   The name and address of the owner of the parcel of land where installation is proposed;
      (2)   The name and address of the applicant, if different from the owner;
      (3)   The name of the person or company to whom the permit should be issued;
      (4)   A plot map of the parcel of land with the exact placement and dimensions of the existing buildings and other structures;
      (5)   The exact location proposed for the satellite dish antenna; and
      (6)   An exact description of the type, make, and height of the satellite dish antenna proposed.
   (B)   (1)   The information in the application must comply with all requirements of this chapter before a permit will be issued.
      (2)   That Trustee may vary measurements or other terms of this chapter by a factor of no more than 10%, so long as such variance is not material.
      (3)   Whether to grant such a variance is wholly within the discretion of that Trustee.
(Ord. 247, passed 5-13-1986)