35-64   Prohibited Groundwater Uses
   A.   Groundwater pumped from wells within the Groundwater Control Area No. 1 shall not be used for any human consumption including drinking water, cooking, washing or other household uses. Because groundwater from wells within the groundwater control area may be contaminated and present a hazard to the health, safety and welfare of persons exposed to said water, any known human consumption of groundwater from wells within the Groundwater Control Area No. 1 is a violation of this Article and is declared a public nuisance subject to abatement as provided hereafter.
   B.   This Article shall not apply to uses of groundwater pumped from wells within the Groundwater Control Area No. 1 which do not involve human consumption, including, but not limited to, non-contact cooling water for industrial, commercial or residential uses and watering of vegetation other than gardens, plants and trees producing food for human consumption.