35-28   Billing; Nonpayment; When Bills Due
All money due the City for water furnished will become due and payable upon billing by the City.
It shall be the duty of the Utilities Director, on all water accounts remaining unpaid thirty days after the bill for the same is rendered, or within such thirty day period, if in the Director's discretion the circumstances warrant, to shut off the supply of water to such consumer and the same shall remain shut off until the account is paid in full, together with the cost of turning the same off and on. Bills for water furnished shall be rendered by the Utilities Director monthly or quarterly, and shall designate the number of cubic feet of water registered at the date of the bill and shall subtract therefrom the number of cubic feet of water registered at the date of last settlement, and compute the amount due for the difference in dollars and cents, in accordance with the rates fixed by this article or by resolution of the City Council. All officers of the Utilities Department are positively prohibited from allowing credit to anyone.
(Amended by Ordinance No. 9533, effective 05-05-2015)