34-82   Accessory Uses, Equipment, Design, And Standards
   A.   Accessory Uses.
      1.   Accessory uses shall be limited to such structures and equipment that are necessary for transmission or reception functions, and shall not include broadcast studios, offices, vehicles or equipment storage, or other uses not essential to the transmission or reception functions.
      2.   All accessory buildings shall be constructed of building materials equal to or better than those of the primary building on the site and shall be subject to applicable permits.
   B.   Accessory Equipment. All accessory equipment located at the base of a WCF shall be located or placed (at the applicant’s choice) in an existing building, underground, or in an equipment shelter or cabinet that is (1) designed to blend in with existing surroundings, using architecturally compatible construction and colors; and (2) be located so as to be unobtrusive as possible consistent with the proper functioning of the WCF.
   C.   Site Design Flexibility. Individual WCF sites vary in the location of adjacent buildings, existing trees, topography and other local variables. By mandating certain design standards, there may result a project that could have been less intrusive if the location of the various elements of the project could have been placed in more appropriate locations within a given site. Therefore, the WCF and supporting equipment may be installed so as to best camouflage, disguise them, or conceal them, to make the WCF more closely compatible with and blend into the setting or host structure, upon approval by the City.
   D.   General Standards.
      1.   Landscaping and Screening. Equipment shelters and cabinets and other on the ground ancillary equipment shall be screened with landscaping (except for those in the right-of-way) as required for the district in which they are located or with another design acceptable to the City. Alternatively, where technically feasible, the applicant shall incorporate the cabinet and other equipment into the base of a new pole (for example, for a small wireless facility) provided there is adequate space in the right-of-way and that ADA sidewalk accessibility requirements can be met. All provisions of the ADA (including, but not limited to, clear space requirements) shall be met by the applicant.
      2.   New Poles. To the extent technically feasible, new poles must be designed to match the existing light fixtures and other poles, and they shall serve a dual purpose (for example, a new light fixture, flag pole or banner clips).
   E.   Radio Frequency (RF) Emissions Compliance Report. A written report will be prepared, signed and sealed by a Nebraska-licensed professional engineer which assesses whether the proposed WCF demonstrates compliance with the RF emissions limits established by the FCC. In no event shall any small wireless facilities, either individually or collectively with those of others, exceed the maximum permissible RF emission standards of the FCC. In the event the FCC’s maximum permissible RF standards are exceeded, the wireless provider shall immediately cease and desist the use of its equipment and facilities.