33-19   Minimum Improvements
Inasmuch as the primary purpose of subdividing land is to create building sites, and inasmuch as vehicular access and certain utilities are essential to urban development, it shall be the responsibility of the developer to install in accordance with plans, specifications, and data approved by the public works director, certain required improvements as follows:
   A.   Staking. The following described monuments shall be installed before the public works director shall approve the plat, or in lieu thereof, a performance bond in an amount equal to the cost of doing such work shall be furnished to the City of Grand Island before the public works director shall certify to the council that the required improvements have been satisfactorily arranged.
      1.   The external boundaries, corners of blocks and lots, all points of curvature, and points of tangency, shall be monumented by an iron rod or pipe not less than 1/2 inch outside diameter and extending at least 24 inches below grade.
   B.   Grading of Lots. When any building site is filled to a depth in excess of five feet, said fill shall be laid down in six-inch layers, and each layer shall be given six passes with a sheepsfoot roller with optimum moisture present for compaction to equal the bearing strength of the natural ground, indicated by Proctor test or other test which may be approved by the public works director.
   C.   Storm Drainage shall be conveyed to an approved storm drainage system if available and adequate to accept the runoff from the fully developed subdivision. Available shall mean a system approved by the public works director to serve the proposed subdivision. If an approved system is available but not of adequate capacity, then provisions must be made for on-site detention to reduce the peak flow out of the subdivision to that which the approved system can accommodate. The detention cell shall be sized to accommodate a ten-year design storm as per criteria acceptable to the public works director. In computing cell capacity only the capacity above the elevation at which approved positive drainage exists will be considered. Detention cells without approved positive drainage will not be accepted. Determination of the approved form of positive drainage shall be made by the public works director. Gravity drainage shall be used if possible. Provisions shall be made for surface water traversing the subdivision. The subdivision agreement shall prohibit filling in of ditches or other drainage facilities and specify ownership and maintenance responsibility of detention cells and other drainage features not dedicated to the public.
   D.   Sanitary Sewer shall be provided to connect all lots in the subdivision in accordance with standard specifications of the City of Grand Island to an approved public system if available and adequate to accept the flow from the fully developed subdivision. Available shall mean an existing approved system or a system approved for construction by the City. The city council may extend consideration of the preliminary study for up to 120 days to consider a sanitary sewer extension approval. In no case shall the minimum diameter for residential developments be less than eight inches, and for commercial and industrial developments the minimum shall be ten inches. If an approved system is not available, then individual systems may be permissible on an initial basis, however, the subdividers shall be required to install the complete system to serve the subdivision even though it may not be connected with the approved system.
The requirement to install the complete but unconnected system shall not apply to existing right-of-ways, with existing improvements, when determined by the Planning Director along with recommendations from the Public Works Department and the Utility Department that public service mains will not be installed to serve the subdivision in the near future.
The requirement to install the complete but unconnected system shall not apply for a subdivision having four (4) lots or less unless the subdivision is part of a larger development being finalized in phases, except when:
      1.   The construction of the public system which will serve the subdivision is provided for in the current approved Capital Improvement Program for the City of Grand Island, or;
      2.   The Council officially amends said program to include a public system which will serve the subdivision, and;
      3.   The City can provide the subdivider sufficient information for the design and construction of his system.
In the event that individual systems are to be used, then the Subdivision Agreement shall state that the lot owners waive the right to protest creation of a sanitary sewer district abutting the subdivision or to serve the subdivision, shall keep all easements free of any obstructions, including fences, trees and bushes, sheds, etc.; shall indemnify the City of any removal/replacement/repair costs for obstructions in easements for the construction of such district, and shall connect to such district within two (2) years of the district construction completion.
   E.   Water Supply shall be provided to connect all lots in the subdivision in accordance with standard specifications for the City of Grand Island to an approved public system if available and adequate to serve the needs of the fully developed subdivision. Available shall mean an existing approved system or a system approved for construction by the City. The city council may extend approval of the preliminary study for up to 120 days to consider a water main extension approval. Fire hydrants shall be installed in a pattern approved by the director of utility operations and the fire chief. If an approved system is not available, then individual systems may be permissible on an initial basis, however, the subdivider shall be required to install the complete system to serve the subdivision even though it may not be connected with the approved system.
The requirement to install the complete but unconnected system shall not apply to existing right-of-ways, with existing improvements, when determined by the Planning Director along with a recommendation from the Public Works Department and the Utility Department that public service mains will not be installed to serve the subdivision in the near future.
The requirement to install the complete but unconnected system shall not apply for a subdivision having four (4) lots or less unless the subdivision is part of a larger development being finalized in phases, except when:
      1.   The construction of the public system which will serve the subdivision is provided for in the current approved Capital Improvement Program for the City of Grand Island, or;
      2.   The Council officially amends said program to include a public system which will serve the subdivision, and;
      3.   The City can provide the subdivider sufficient information for the design and construction of his system.
In the event that individual systems are to be used, then the Subdivision Agreement shall state that the lot owners waive the right to protest creation of a water district abutting the subdivision or to serve the subdivision, shall keep all easements free of any obstructions, including fences, trees and bushes, sheds, etc.; shall indemnify the City of any removal/replacement/ repair costs for obstructions in easements for the construction of such district, and shall connect to such district within two (2) years of the district construction completion.
   F.   Grading shall be completed to official grade on all streets for the full width of the right-of-way and fills shall be compacted sufficiently to assure adequate support for permanent paving, as set forth by standard specifications of the City of Grand Island.
   G.   Street Surfacing. Paving, including curbs and gutters, shall be completed on all streets in accordance with the standard specifications of the City of Grand Island and in conformity with any official street plans which may be adopted by the city council of Grand Island. Standard installations for sanitary sewer, storm drainage, and water may be required to be installed before paving, subject to the recommendation of the public works director, even though such facilities cannot be connected with the City system at the time of approval of the plat.
   H.   Public sidewalks four feet wide shall be constructed in accordance with sidewalk standards along each side of all public street right-of-way to serve all lots in the plat. This requirement may be waived until the Council directs such installation for a subdivision having four lots or less unless:
      1.   the subdivision has curb and gutter; or,
      2.   such installation would result in continuity with an existing sidewalk on at least one side of the new subdivision; or,
      3.   the subdivision is part of a larger development being finalized in phases.
   I.   Inspections of improvements under construction shall be performed under the supervision of a professional registered engineer and upon completion, shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Department of Public Works prior to acceptance by the City of Grand Island. The subdivider may enter into an agreement with the City whereby the developer of the subdivision shall pay for inspection personnel which may be furnished by the City under supervision of the public works director, on all improvements constructed by such developer of such subdivision as provided for in this chapter. An “as-built” set of plans and specifications including required test results bearing the seal and signature of a registered professional engineer shall be filed with the Director of Public Works by the subdivider prior to acceptance of these improvements by the City.