33-15   Easements
   A.   Utility Easements. Unless otherwise required by the director of Planning, the director of utilities operations, or the public works director, utilities easements shall be 20 feet wide, falling half on adjoining lots along rear lot lines, and where necessary the same shall apply to side lot lines. The full width of an easement may fall on one lot. They shall be planned for easy and continuous access for maintenance, shall be continuous through the block and shall connect as nearly in line as possible with adjoining easements. To facilitate the use of easements, rear lot lines in curvilinear platting shall form straight lines for as long a distance as feasible. Direction changes shall fall so that a side lot line will intersect the point of change so as to allow the guywire easements to be located on lot lines.
   B.   Drainage Easements. Drainage easements for storm sewers or open channels shall be required where storm drainage cannot be practically carried under streets or in the right-of-way. Open channel drainage easements shall be required where there is evidence that the natural drainage for a large area traverses the subdivision. Drainage easements shall be sufficient in width so that motorized equipment may be used in their maintenance.