31-32   Mobile Signs
   A.   General. The placement of mobile signs shall be in accordance with all requirements of the Grand Island City Code. Furthermore, no mobile sign shall be placed or used at any location except as allowed in this section, and only after obtaining a permit therefor from the City building department.
   B.   Permit, Types, Duration; Fee; Application.
      1.   45 Day Permit . A permit to allow one mobile sign per business to be located at a specific property location for no more than forty-five (45) days from the date of issuance, during any calendar year. No sign authorized by a 45 Day Permit shall be located closer than one hundred (100) feet of any other sign allowed by a 45 Day Permit. Properties with less than one hundred (100) feet of street frontage shall be entitled to one 45 Day Permit per calendar year. The fee for a 45 Day Permit shall be in accordance with the City of Grand Island Fee Schedule.
      2.   Special Event Permit . A permit to allow any number of mobile signs at any one property location for a period not to exceed four (4) days. The fee for a Special Event Permit shall be in accordance with the City of Grand Island Fee Schedule. Special Event Permits shall only be issued in the spirit of the following examples of truly special events: a grand opening sale, a special holiday or seasonal sale, anniversary sale, going out of business sale. There shall be a minimum of one day between special events.
      3.   Application Contents . The application shall describe in detail all positions where the sign will be placed on the location, the dimensions of the sign, and the type of permit being sought.
   C.   Design. Mobile signs may be constructed of any material meeting the requirements of this Code and shall be so designed that the structural frame will resist wind loads of twenty-five (25) pounds per square foot when anchored to the ground. The measured height of the face of a mobile sign shall not exceed six feet (6'). Mobile signs shall be so designed that the sign when placed upon the ground shall not rest upon any wheels. The wheels shall only be utilized in moving the mobile sign from site to site. Mobile signs shall be anchored to the ground or ground-surfacing material in a manner approved by the building official.
   D.   Electrical. Mobile signs utilizing electrical equipment in connection with illuminating the mobile sign shall have all such equipment installed in accordance with the Grand Island Electrical Code. All electrical connections to mobile signs shall be made with a type S or SO or STO flexible 12-3 cord and plugged into an approved 120 volt grounded electrical outlet protected with a FGCI receptacle or breaker with a capacity of not less than 15 amperes nor more than 20 amperes. The distance between the electrical outlet receptacle and the mobile sign shall not exceed 50 feet and the cord shall not be placed upon any ground or ground-surfacing that is specifically designed to accommodate pedestrian traffic or vehicular traffic of any sort.
   E.   Anchoring Requirements. All mobile signs must be weighted with ballast or anchored in the following manner:
      1.   Such weight or ballast must be a minimum of five pounds of weight for each square foot of sign face. Mobile signs shall be weighted in a manner approved by a building department official.
      2.   Anchored at each position used by a minimum of four anchors which meet the following specifications:
         a.   If anchored in concrete, the anchors shall extend to a depth of at least four inches (4") and shall be at least one half inch (1/2") diameter; or
         b.   If anchored in asphalt, the anchors shall extend to a depth of at least three feet (3') and shall be at least one half inch (1/2") diameter; or
         c.   If anchored in dirt, the anchors shall extend to a depth of at least three feet (3') and shall be either metal spikes with a diameter of at least one half inch (1/2") or wooden spikes with dimensions of at least two inches by two inches (2"x2").
         d.   The anchoring of any mobile sign must be approved by a building department official.
(Amended by Ordinance No. 9316, effective 09-13-2011)