27-60   Authorized Expenditures
The mayor and city council shall be authorized to approve the expenditure of funds in accordance with the Local Government Miscellaneous Expenditure Act, subject to the following:
   A.   Authorized expenses may include:
      1.   Registration costs, tuition costs, fees, or charges;
      2.   Mileage at the then current rate allowed by Neb. R.R.S. §81-1176, or actual travel expense if travel is by commercial or charter means. When travel mode is optional, the lower of the reimbursable cost is authorized; and
      3.   Meals and incidental (M&I) expense at the then current rate of the applicable federal (GSA) per diem for M&I when searching for the specific Primary Destination; and
      4.   When travel is a partial day as defined in the City’s Travel Policy Manual, the federal per diem rate for meals will apply at the rate of 20% for breakfast, 30% for lunch and 50% for supper. Departures must occur prior to 6:00 a.m. for breakfast and return must be after 8:00 p.m. for supper; and
      5.   Lodging at a rate not exceeding the then current applicable federal per diem rate unless lodging is at a location hosting the function in which case the actual lodging rate is allowed but no additional transportation costs shall be paid for commuting during the lodging stay.
   B.   Authorized expenditures shall not include expenditures for meals of city council members provided while attending a public meeting of the city council unless such meeting is a joint meeting with one or more other governing bodies.
   C.   Authorized expenditures shall not include expenditures for any expenses incurred by a spouse of an elected or appointed official, employee, or volunteer unless the spouse is also an elected or appointed official, employee, or volunteer of the City.
(Amended by Ordinance No. 9831, effective 08-25-2021)