26-5   UPC - Amendment Of Subsection 103.1.1
Subsection 103.1.3 of the Uniform Plumbing Code is hereby amended to include the following:
(A)   No permit shall be issued to any person to do or cause to be done any work regulated by this Code, except to a person holding a valid unexpired and unrevoked plumbing license as required by this chapter, except when and as otherwise hereinafter provided in this section.
(B)   No person shall allow any other person to do or cause to be done any work under a permit secured by a permittee except persons in his or her employ.
(C)   No person or concern who has obtained a plumber's license pursuant to this article, shall allow his or her name to be used by another person or concern, either for the purpose of obtaining permits, or for doing business or work under such registration or license. Every person licensed pursuant to this section shall notify the Board of any change of street address.
(D)   A permit may be issued to a properly licensed person not acting in violation of any current contractor licensing law.
(E)   Any permit by this code may be issued to do any work regulated by this code in a single family dwelling used exclusively for living purposes, including the usual accessory buildings and quarters in connection with such buildings in the event that such person is the bona fide owner of any such dwelling and accessory buildings and quarters, and that the same are currently occupied by said owner, provided, that said owner shall personally purchase all material and shall personally perform all labor in connection therein. This, however, shall exclude all gas piping and venting of fuel combustion appliances.
(Amended by Ordinance No. 8882, effective 01-07-2004) (Amended by Ordinance No. 9024, effective 03-01-2006) (Amended by Ordinance No. 9118, effective 05-15-2007) (Amended by Ordinance No. 9806, effective 01-01-2021)