23-109   Suspension Or Revocation Of Licenses For Failure To Pay Tax; Hearing
If the Mayor or the Mayor's designee, after holding a hearing, shall find that any Person has willfully evaded payment or collection and remittance of the tax imposed by this Ordinance, such official may suspend or revoke any City license, permit or other approval held by such tax evader. Such Person shall have an opportunity to be heard at such hearing to be held not less than seven (7) days after notice is given of the time and place of the hearing to be held, addressed to the last known place of business of such Person. Pending the notice, hearing and finding, any licensee, permit or other approval issued by the City to the Person may be temporarily suspended. No suspension or revocation hereunder shall release or discharge the Person from civil liability for the payment or collection and remittance of the tax, nor from prosecution for such offense.
Adopted by Ord. 9509 on 10/28/2014