23-72   Administration Of Article; Miscellaneous Provisions
   A.   Administration by Finance Director. The administration of the provisions of this article are hereby vested in the Finance Director, who shall prescribe forms in conformity with this article for the making of returns, for the ascertainment, assessment and collection of the tax imposed hereunder, and for the proper administration and enforcement hereof. The Finance Director shall adopt such rules and regulation as may be necessary or desirable for the administration and enforcement of this Article.
   B.   Duties Performed by Others. Duties of the Finance Director herein provided may be performed by any qualified person designated by the Finance Director.
   C.   Notices to be Sent by Registered or Certified Mail. All notices required to be given to the taxpayer under the provisions of this article shall be in writing, and if mailed postpaid by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to him or her at his or her last known address shall be sufficient for the purposes of this article.
   D.   Duty to Keep Books and Records. It shall be the duty of every taxpayer to keep and preserve suitable records and other books or accounts as may be necessary to determine the amount of tax for which he/she is liable hereunder.
      1.   Records of the gross revenue by which this tax is measured shall be kept separate and apart from the records of other sales or receipts in order to facilitate the examination of books and records as necessary for the collection of this tax.
      2.   It shall be the duty of every such taxpayer to keep and preserve for a period of four (4) years all such books, invoices and other records, which shall be open for examination at any time by the Finance Director or his or her duly designated persons. If such person keeps or maintains his books, invoices, accounts or other records, or any thereof, outside of the state, upon demand of the Finance Director he/she shall make the same available at a suitable place within the City, to be designated by the Finance Director, for examination, inspection and audit by the Finance Director or his or her duly authorized persons.
      3.   The Finance Director, in his or her discretion, may make, permit or cause to be made the examination, inspection or audit of books, invoices, accounts or other records so kept or maintained by such person outside of the state at the place where same are kept or maintained or at any place outside the state where the same may be made available, provided such person shall have entered into a binding agreement with the City to reimburse it for all costs and expenses incurred by it in order to have such examination, inspection or audit made in such place.
   E.   Investigation of Taxpayer’s Books. For the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of a return, or for the purpose of determining the amount of tax due from any person, the Finance Director or his or her duly authorized persons, may hold investigations and hearings concerning any matters covered by this article; and may examine any relevant books, papers, records or memoranda of any such person; and may require the attendance of such person, or any officer or employee of such person, or of any person having knowledge thereof; and may take testimony and require proof of his or her information. The Finance Director and his or her duly authorized persons shall have power to administer oath to such persons.
   F.   Sale of Business. Whenever any taxpayer sells his/her food services, drinking places business, or restaurant or quits engaging in such business, any tax payable under this article shall become immediately due and payable and such person shall immediately make a report and pay the tax due.
   G.   Status of Unpaid Tax and Bankruptcy and Receivership. Whenever the business or property of any taxpayer subject to this article shall be placed in receivership, bankruptcy or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or seized under distraint for property taxes, all taxes, penalties, and interest imposed by this article and for which the taxpayer is in any way liable under the terms of this article shall be a prior and preferred lien against the property of the taxpayer, except as to pre-existing claims or liens of a bona fide mortgagee, pledgee, judgment creditor or purchaser whose rights shall have attached prior to the filing of the notice as hereinafter provided on the property of the taxpayer, other than the goods, stock in trade, and business fixtures of such taxpayer; and no sheriff, receiver, assignee or other official shall sell the property of any person subject to this article under process or order of any court without first ascertaining from the Finance Director the amount of any taxes due and payable under this article; and if there be any such taxes due, owing and unpaid, it shall be the duty of such officer to first pay the amount of such taxes out of the receipts of such sale before making payment of any monies to any judgment creditor or other claimants of whatsoever kind or nature, except the cost of the proceedings and other pre-existing claims or liens as above provided.
   H.   Release of Liens. The tax imposed by this article, together with the interest and penalties herein provided and the cost of collection which may be incurred, shall be and, until paid, remain a first and prior lien, except as otherwise provided by the constitution or statute, superior to all other liens, on all the merchandise, furniture and fixtures, tools and equipment of the taxpayer within the City, and may be foreclosed by seizing under distraint and sale of so much of said merchandise, furniture and fixtures, tools and equipment, as may be necessary to discharge the lien. The lien created by this article shall apply only to tax obligations hereafter incurred. Any lien for taxes as shown on the records of the county clerks and recorders as herein provided shall, upon the payment of all taxes, penalties and interest covered thereby, be released by the Finance Director in the same manner as mortgages or judgments are released.
   I.   Statute of Limitations. No suit for collection of any taxes imposed by this article for any interest thereon or penalties with respect thereto may be instituted, or any other action to collect the same shall be commenced, nor shall any notice of lien be filed, or distraint warrant be issued, more than four (4) years after the date on which the tax was or is payable. In case of a false or fraudulent return with intent to evade tax, the tax, together with interest and penalties thereon, may be assessed or proceedings for the collection of such taxes may be begun at any time. Before the expiration of such period of limitation, the taxpayer and the Finance Director may agree in writing to an extension thereof; and the period so agreed on may be extended by subsequent agreement in writing.