A. Whenever there is any violation of any ordinance regulating traffic in the City, a police officer finding the violation shall, except as otherwise provided in this section, take the name, address, and driver's license number of the person violating such ordinance, and the license number of the motor vehicle involved. The officer shall issue a citation or otherwise notify such person in writing to appear at a time and place specified in the citation. The citation shall include a description of the violation or offense charged, the time and place at which the person cited is to appear, a warning that failure to appear in accordance with the command of the citation is a punishable offense, and such other matter as is deemed appropriate. Unless the person cited requests an earlier date, the time of appearance shall be at least three days after the issuance of the citation. One copy of the citation shall be delivered to the person cited, and the duplicate thereof shall be signed by such person, giving his promise to appear at the time and place stated therein. Such person thereupon shall be released from custody.
B. The foregoing provisions for issuance of citation and for release of the person arrested shall not apply and the person may be confined in jail when the accused fails to identify himself or herself satisfactorily, or refuses to sign the citation, or when the arresting officer has reasonable grounds to believe that:
1. The accused will refuse to respond to the citation;
2. Such custody is necessary to protect the accused or others when his continued liberty would constitute a risk of immediate harm;
3. Such action is necessary in order to carry out legitimate investigative functions;
4. The accused has previously failed to appear in response to a citation.
5. The accused has committed a felony.