The City of Grand Island shall provide suitable landfill or transfer station areas for the disposal of garbage, refuse, and construction and demolition waste. All garbage and refuse collectors licensed by the City of Grand Island shall deposit all garbage, refuse, and construction and demolition waste collected in such areas. It shall be unlawful, except as set forth herein, to unload or deposit any garbage, refuse, construction and demolition waste and the contents of privy vaults and cesspools hauled from any premises within the corporate limits of the City of Grand Island, and destined for disposal within the State of Nebraska, at any place other than the approved disposal site designated as the landfill or transfer station areas provided by the City of Grand Island. The prohibition herein shall not apply to garbage or refuse processed at a Materials Recovery Facility operated pursuant to a permit issued by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality. All garbage, refuse, and construction and demolition waste lawfully deposited in City landfill areas shall become the property of the City of Grand Island.