15-41   Registration; Required
No person shall be engaged in the installation of any electrical wiring, fixtures, equipment, or devices for any purpose whatsoever in the City without having registered in the office of the Building Department.
   A.   Required. Any applicant for a registration certificate shall be the holder of a valid State of Nebraska Electricians License.
   B.   Renewal. All journeyman electrician's and master electrician's certificates of registration issued by the Electrical Board shall expire on December 31 of the year in which such certificates are issued, but such certificates may be renewed within thirty days thereafter upon application and payment of fees in accordance with the City of Grand Island Fee Schedule.
Any master electrician or journeyman electrician who does not renew his or her certificate of registration pursuant to this article within the thirty day grace period provided by this section shall automatically forfeit such certificate.
(Amended by Ordinance No. 9366, effective 03-30-2012) (Amended by Ordinance No. 9578, effective 03-29-2016)