9-120   The Council/Franchising Authority's Policy Regarding The Provision Of Seamless Or "See-Through" Technology
   A.   The Council/franchising authority recognizes the fact that it is in the public's interest to be able to utilize the functions inherent in subscriber receiving equipment, without having to incur additional costs to obtain the same functions. Consequently, the Council/franchising authority may require that:
      A.   unless an MCS provider can demonstrate to the City that it is technically or economically unfeasible or commercially impracticable, then such MCS provider shall provide the ability to utilize the functions inherent in subscriber equipment in a seamless or "see-through" manner which allows:
         1.   the use of any built-in remote control capability of a subscriber's television for the control of any, and all, television channels provided by the MCS provider without the use or necessity of additional equipment; and
         2.   the ability to record video programming on any channel provided by the MCS provider, while watching programming on any different channel, without the use or necessity of any additional in-home equipment other than the television receiver/monitor and a recorder.