9-87   Provisions To Alert Subscribers In The Event Of An Emergency; Standby Power
   A.   In order that subscribers may be alerted in the event of an impending, imminent or actual, natural or man-made emergency, then all MCS providers shall ensure that the multi-channel system providing multi-channel service to all, or part, of the City is designed so as to permit an authorized official of the City to override the audio portion of all channels, by touch-tone phone (or functional equivalent) from any location.
   B.   In addition to any other requirements listed in this Section, an MCS provider shall:
      1.   designate a channel which will be used for emergency broadcasts of both audio and video;
      2.   inform subscribers of the designated emergency channel at least daily on at least one (1) channel of the multi-channel system;
      3.   maintain all channel video blanking capability to facilitate the needs of hearing and sight-impaired customers;
      4.   test the emergency override system not less than once a month;
      5.   cooperate with the City on the use and operation of the emergency alert override system; and
      6.   develop a plan (with the City's concurrence) in order to provide continuity of multi-channel service, and response to service calls in the event of a natural or man-made emergency.
   C.   As one method of providing continuity of multi-channel services in the event of a natural or man-made emergency, an MCS provider shall, unless exempted by the Council/franchising authority, have the capacity for four (4) hour automatically activated standby power on all trunk and feeder cable, and all headends, hubs, and receive sites associated with the distribution of cable service to, and throughout the City.