9-75   Construction Standards
   1.   Methods of construction, installation, maintenance repair of any multi-channel system shall comply with the most current editions of the National Electrical Safety Code, and the National Electric Code, as affects the construction, installation, and maintenance of electrical supply and communication lines and attachments and supports. To the extent that these are inconsistent with other provisions of a franchise, or State, or local law, then the more stringent shall govern in order to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
   2.   All installations shall treat the aesthetics of the property as a priority, shall not substantially affect the appearance of the structure, and shall not be installed on the bias across property or the face or side of a home or building without the owner's permission.
   3.   No home/building within 150 feet of the system shall be served by a drop with any pole span being longer than 150 feet without the owner's permission.
   4.   All underground drops shall follow property lines and cross property only at right angles, unless otherwise permitted by the owner.