9-21   Subscriber Fees And Rates
   A.   It is the intention of the City, by the adoption of these provisions, to follow the regulations established by the Federal Communications Commission for the regulation of rates.
   B.   The initial fees to be charged to subscribers for all services, including installation fees and other one-time charges, shall be specified in any franchise agreement issued pursuant hereto.
   C.   Those fees and charges subject to regulation by the City pursuant to state and federal law shall not be increased without prior review by the City.
   D.   In order to obtain City review for rate increases, the franchisee shall file a revised schedule of rates with the City at least thirty days in advance of a proposed rate increase. This filing shall specify the rates or fees to be increased and associated regulations which may affect charges to the subscriber and the justification for said increases and charges. The franchisee shall promptly submit any additional supporting information requested by the City.
   E.   Within thirty days of the rate increase filing, the City shall schedule two public meetings before the Council to hear ratepayer and franchisee comment on the proposed increase. Following the public meeting, the Council may determine whether or not to grant the proposed increase or a portion thereof prior to the expiration of the thirty-day period, unless the thirty-day deadline is tolled by the City for an additional ninety days to consider the request.
   F.   At least thirty days prior to the proposed rate increase, each ratepayer or subscriber shall be notified in writing by the franchisee of the changes in rates proposed.
   G.   Rates and charges may be reduced at any time without prior City approval, provided that the reductions do not result in rates which are unreasonably discriminatory to any subscriber or class of subscribers. Where temporary reductions are put into effect for promotional purposes for a specified time period, the return to the permanent rates shall not be considered a rate increase for purposes of this chapter. The City shall be notified of all reductions in rates, whether permanent or temporary.
   H.   Rates and charges not subject to regulation by the City under state or federal law or regulation may be changed by the franchisee following a minimum thirty days prior notice to the City and the subscribers.