9-20   Notices
   A.   Both the Council/franchising authority and each non-exempt MCS provider shall provide the other party with the name and address of the contact person designated to receive notices, filings, reports, records, documents, and other correspondence. All notices shall be delivered to each party's contact person by certified mail, return receipt requested, personal service with a signed receipt of delivery, or overnight with receipt verification. All other filings, reports, records, documents, and other correspondence may be delivered by any permissible means including, but not limited to: facsimile transmission ("faxing"); personal service; overnight mail or package delivery; or delivery via cable. The delivery of all notices, reports, records, and other correspondence shall be deemed to have occurred at the time of receipt (unless otherwise designated by State law).
   B.   If the non-exempt MCS is required to maintain a franchise, then the designation of such contact person for notice purposes, may be contained within a franchise agreement.