2-66   Individual Facial Coverings Required
All individuals age five and older shall wear a face covering over their mouth and nose while indoors in a premises open to the general public unless the individual maintains a minimum of six feet of separation or social distance at all times from anyone who is not a member of the individual's household, except face coverings will not be required if the individual:
   1.   is seeking federal, state, or county services; or
   2.   is seated at a bar, restaurant, or other location to eat or drink, or while immediately consuming food or beverages; or
   3.   is engaged in an occupation preventing the wearing of a face covering; or
   4.   is obtaining a service or purchasing goods or services that requires the temporary removal of the face covering; or
   5.   is asked to remove a face covering to verify an identity for lawful purposes; or
   6.   is providing a speech, lecture, or broadcast to an audience so long as six feet of distancing from other individuals is maintained; or
   7.   cannot otherwise wear a face covering because of a medical condition, a mental health condition, or a disability that makes it unreasonable for the individual to wear a face covering.
Nothing in this section shall prohibit the owner or person in charge of a premises open to the general public from requiring an individual to wear a face covering during any of the circumstances enumerated above or from implementing a more restrictive face covering policy.