The officials set forth below shall be hired officials which shall be selected for employment by the city as set forth in the personnel rules and regulations. All of the hired officials shall be subject to the personnel rules of the City of Grand Island as adopted by resolution. The personnel rules are supplemental to the civil service rules for the officials set forth in subparagraph (B), and supplemental to the terms of interlocal agreements pertaining to the officials set forth in subparagraph (C) below. The officials listed in subparagraphs (A) and (B) shall be hired by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The length of service of all the officials listed below shall be indefinite. The discipline and/or removal of the officials listed in subparagraphs (A), (C), and (D) shall be governed by the City’s personnel rules. The discipline and/or removal of the officials listed in subparagraph (B) shall be governed by the City’s personnel and civil service rules.
A. The following shall constitute the general officials of the City of Grand Island:
Building Department Director
Human Resources Director
Parks and Recreation Director
Utility Director
B. The following shall constitute the officials subject to the civil service rules of the City of Grand Island:
Fire Chief
Police Chief
C. The following shall constitute the interlocal officials of the City of Grand Island:
Emergency Management Director
Planning Director
D. The following shall constitute the official subject to the provisions of Article 2, Chapter 51 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes pertaining to libraries:
Library Director
(Amended by Ordinance No. 9389, effective 07-17-2012) (Amended by Ordinance No. 9390, effective 07-31-2012)