Any Mixed Use PUD comply with the following project design standards:
   a.   Eligibility: The proposed Mixed Use PUD meets the eligibility criteria of Section 1803.
   b.   Uses Permitted: Any residential, , commercial, or industrial use be permitted upon a determination by the City that the uses would meet the intent of this Article, the City’s , and is compatible with surrounding uses. Any proposed listed as a in Article XXI meet the standards listed in Section 2110.
   c.   Harmony with surrounding uses: The uses and design of the Mixed Use PUD will be harmonious with the character of the surrounding area in terms of , intensity of , size and height of buildings, architecture and other impacts.
   d.   Dimensional Standards: The setbacks and other dimensional standards for various uses generally be consistent with the standards associated with the most applicable (s) for the various uses listed in Article XX - Schedule of Regulations. Where the proposed design deviates from the typical standards, the applicant shall provide a table that clearly compares each requested modification to the Ordinance standard and provides justification for the modification for approval by the . Unless variations are specifically requested and approved by the City, the or subdivision plan shall comply with applicable City standards. In no case shall the setbacks for buildings adjacent to existing single homes be less than fifty (50) feet.
   e.   Architecture: Buildings provide harmony with adjacent uses in terms of texture, materials, peaked roof lines, scale and massing. However, there shall be a variation of front setbacks and architectural style to avoid repetition along the edge. Nonresidential buildings shall utilize brick as the primary material for all exterior walls that are visible from a public road or a parking lot.    Other accent materials be used where the materials are durable and compatible with the type of and proposed in keeping with the character of the city. Roofs shall be pitched with architectural shingles. Unifying elements, accents, style, color, and materials shall be provided for different uses within the project.
   f.   Residential Uses: For a mixed-use PUD with a residential component, portions of the site that are allocated towards residential   comply with the requirements of section 1806.
   g.   Natural Features: The   be designed to promote preservation of any significant natural or historic features on the site.
   h.   Infrastructure: The uses and design be consistent with the available capacity of the existing network and utility systems or the applicant shall upgrade the infrastructure as required to accommodate the Mixed Use PUD.
(Amended 2-14-1996)
   i.   Additional Considerations: The and   consider the following design elements as appropriate: perimeter and ; drainage and utility design; underground installation of utilities; facilities for pedestrian circulation; internal roadway design; and the achievement of an integrated with respect to signs, lighting, and building materials.
   j.   Design: The site design, site elements and architecture be of high quality, coordinated and consistent with the City’s design guidelines.