Planned unit developments
be allowed upon determination by the
, following a recommendation by the
, that the site and proposed project meet the following eligibility criteria:
a. The subject site
be a minimum size of five (5) acres of contiguous
; provided, the minimum site area
be waived by the
for previously developed sites that are proposed to be redeveloped with a mixed-
PUD, or for PUD sites that will be an infill
utilizing innovative design to achieve compatibility with surrounding
b. The subject site
be under the control of one
or group of owners operating collectively, and shall be capable of being planned and developed as one integral unit. An approved PUD plan runs with the
, not with the
. If the
is sold or otherwise exchanged, the approved PUD plan shall remain in effect unless the applicant submits a request to amend or terminate the PUD plan.
c. The site
have frontage along, and direct access to a
(s) capable of accommodating anticipated traffic volumes. Any project over five acres shall have direct access to a Major Street (per the Act 51 Map made pursuant to Public Act 51 of 1951, State Trunk Line Highway System, being M.C.L.A. §§ 247.651 et seq.) or an arterial or collector road as identified in the City’s
d. The site contains significant natural or historic features which will be preserved to a greater extent through
under the PUD standards than if the site was developed under conventional zoning, or the PUD will provide a complementary mixture of uses or housing types within a unique, high quality design as determined by the
e. The planned unit
offers higher design quality and/or provides amenities that will result in a
to the ultimate users of the project and to the City, where such benefit would otherwise be unfeasible or unlikely to be achieved through conventional zoning. These benefits
be demonstrated in terms of preservation of
, unique architecture, extensive
, special sensitivity to adjacent
uses, particularly well designed access and circulation systems, integration of various site features into a unified
and/or contribution to infrastructure and facility improvements to help
the impacts of the PUD project.
f. A finding that the proposed type and
shall not result in an unreasonable increase in traffic or the
of public services, facilities and utilities compared to permitted uses under conventional zoning.
g. The proposed
be consistent with the City