Principal Buildings: Residential Districts - Schedule of Regulations
Principal Buildings: Non-Residential and PUD Districts - Schedule of Regulations
Central Business District Building Setbacks
Sec. 2000   Averaged Lot Size Option
Sec. 2001   Subdivision Option
Article XX Schedule of Regulations for Principal Buildings: Residential Districts
Minimum Lot Size or Maximum Density
Maximum Building Height
Principal Structure Minimum Yard Setback6, 7
Max Lot Coverage by All Bldgs
Minimum Floor Area (Per Unit)
Min. Lot Area, Max Units per Acre1
Each Side
Article XX Schedule of Regulations for Principal Buildings: Residential Districts
Minimum Lot Size or Maximum Density
Maximum Building Height
Principal Structure Minimum Yard Setback6, 7
Max Lot Coverage by All Bldgs
Minimum Floor Area (Per Unit)
Min. Lot Area, Max Units per Acre1
Each Side
R-1 Single Family
12,000 sq. ft., 2.7 units/acre8
90 feet8
See Footnote 10
R-2 Single Family
9,000 sq. ft., 3.6 units/acre8
75 feet
See Footnote 10
R-3 Single Family Detached or Attached
7,200 sq. ft., 4.5 units/acre
65 feet
See Footnote10
R-T Two Family Residential
4,000 sq. ft., 8.0 units/acre 20 units per acre for extended care and nursing care for the elderly
80 feet
309, 11
109, 11
359, 11
700 sq. ft.
Low Multiple Family Residential (LDMF)
Minimum 15,000 sq. ft. lot Maximum six (6) units per acre, maximum 4 units per building
100 feet
16 feet between buildings, 25 feet between every 4th building11
1 BR = 700 sq. ft.
2 BR = 850 sq. ft.
3 BR = 1,000 sq. ft.
4 BR = 1,150 sq. ft. max 10% efficiencies, max 40% 1 BR unit
High Multiple Family Residential (HDMF)
Maximum 12 units per acre, 20 units per acre for extended care and nursing care for the elderly
165 feet
50 feet from all and between buildings or the height of the building, whichever is greater11
Manufacture d Housing Park (MHP)
8 units per acre
50 feet per unit
See Article VII District12
Planned Unit Development (PUD)
minimum 5 acre lot
Same as underlying zoning
See Article XVIII. Setbacks from perimeter   be consistent with the underlying zoning dist. for the specific
Same as underlying zoning for the specific
(Amended 2-14-1996)
1   Maximum   be based on 25% calculation for lakes, rivers, steams and defined as a by the MDNR. Public rights-of-way for streets within the project can be included.
2   Measurement for irregular shaped lots and lots along curvilinear streets. In no case shall frontage measured along the   be less than sixty (60) feet. (See Section 321). Narrow deep lots shall be avoided. The depth of a lot generally shall not exceed three (3) times the width as measured at the for platted lots and four (4) times the width for unplatted lots.
3   Exceptions to Supplementary Height Regulations. The following kinds of structural appurtenances exceed the height limitations for authorized , upon approval of the . (a) Schools, churches and other similar institutional buildings may be to a height not exceeding sixty (60) feet provided the front, side and rear shall not be less than the height of the building wall abutting on such ; (b) chimneys, church spires, cupolas, domes, towers, flag poles, penthouses, water tanks, radio or television or cellular phone antennae, monuments may be to a height not exceeding sixty (60) feet unless approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Setbacks or television and cellular phone antennae be equal to half the height of the ; (c) mechanical equipment such as blowers, ventilating fans and air conditioning units, shall be placed no closer than twelve (12) feet to any lot line.
4   In the case of corner lots or lots with dual frontage, front requirements shall be maintained along all frontages.
5   Exceptions to Front and Setbacks: Where fifty (50) percent or more of the aggregate frontage between two (2) successive intersecting streets is by buildings of the type and permitted in the before the effective date of this Ordinance or any amendments thereto, with a   less than required by this Ordinance, the minimum for new buildings be the average distance of existing buildings located within two hundred (200) feet on either side of a given lot. However, the depth of the resulting therefrom shall not be less than one-half (1/2) of the dimensions specified in the Schedule of Regulations.
6   Architectural features, not including vertical projections, extend or project into a required not more than two (2) inches for each one (1) foot of width of such ; and, may extend or project into a required or not more than three (3) feet. An unenclosed, open and uncovered porch or paved terrace may project into the a maximum of ten (10) feet.
7   See Sections 312 through 317 for and setbacks.
8   See Section 2000, Average Lot Size Option and Section 2001, Subdivision Open Space Option, regarding flexibility allowances.
9   For all permitted and special uses other than single residential, the minimum   be equal to the height of the unless a greater is specified in the zoning .
10   The following regulations govern the minimum floor area required of each hereafter :
1,400 sq. ft.
1,200 sq. ft.
1,000 sq. ft.
1st Floor
1,200 sq. ft.
1,000 sq. ft.
800 sq. ft.
2nd Floor
500 sq. ft.
450 sq. ft.
350 sq. ft.
1st Floor
825 sq. ft.
750 sq. ft.
600 sq. ft.
2nd Floor
825 sq. ft.
750 sq. ft.
600 sq. ft.
In one and one-half (1-) and two (2) dwelling units, the required square footage of the upper level in each zoning   be reduced one (1) square foot for each square foot that the lower level exceeds the minimum allowable floor area, provided that in no case shall the square footage of the upper level be less than four hundred and fifty (450) square feet. Also, in no case shall the one and one-half (1-1/2) or two (2) dwelling have less total square footage than the combined square footage as it relates to one and one-half (1-) or two (2) dwellings in the schedule above.
11   For buildings with multiple dwelling units, a ten (10) foot landscaped from all roads, drives, parking areas and adjacent single residential districts be provided.
12   All mobile homes be at least fifty (50) feet from the park line and arterial . The 50 foot buffer shall include a landscaped as described in Section 2303.
Architectural features, not including vertical projections, extend or project into a required not more than two (2) inches for each one (1) foot of width of such ; and, may extend or project into a required or not more than three (3) feet. An unenclosed, open and uncovered porch or paved terrace may project into the a maximum of ten (10) feet. For residential buildings in existence at the effective date of the provision, an unenclosed, covered porch may project into the required a maximum of five (5) feet, but in no case, shall it project within twenty (20) feet of the front lot line.
Article XX Schedule of Regulations for Principal Buildings, Nonresidential and Planned Unit Development Districts
Min. Lot Area 1
Min. Lot Width 2
Minimum Yard Setbacks 3
Max. Lot Coverage
Max. 5, 6 Height
Front Yard 4
Each Side Yard
Rear Yard
Parking Lot / Loading Area
Article XX Schedule of Regulations for Principal Buildings, Nonresidential and Planned Unit Development Districts
Min. Lot Area 1
Min. Lot Width 2
Minimum Yard Setbacks 3
Max. Lot Coverage
Max. 5, 6 Height
Front Yard 4
Each Side Yard
Rear Yard
Parking Lot / Loading Area
Office Service District
governed by setbacks
85 ft.
20 ft.
15 ft. each side
20 ft.
10 ft. front yd, rear yd and adjacent to residential dist;( or 5 ft. high wall in rear per Sec. 2310)
35% bldg. 60%
30 ft.
2.5 stories
Neighborhood Business District (B-1)
23,280 sq. ft. (1/2 acre)
60 ft.
25 ft.
10 ft. 20 ft. adjacent to residential 7
20 ft.
10 ft. front yd, rear yd and adjacent to residential dist; (or 5 ft. high wall in per Sec. 2310)
governed by setbacks
30 ft. (amended 8-9-2006)
Central Business District Overlay Zone (CBD)
Old Town 10 ft.10
North Gateway 25 ft.10
(amended 12-9-2009)
0 ft.7
10 ft., 25 ft. from res. dist. (amended 8-19-2008)
40 ft. *** (amended 8-9-2006)
Community Business District (B-2)
23,280 sq. ft. (1/2 acre)
85 ft.
30 ft., 75 ft. from res. dist. or arterial r.o.w.
10 feet, 75 ft. from res. or arterial r.o.w.
20 ft., 75 ft. from res. dist.
35% bldg. 75% impervious surface
30 ft.
General Business District (B-3)
1 acre
100 ft.
30 ft.
10 ft.; 20 ft adjacent to residential dist.
20 feet; 50 feet adjacent to residential dist.
35% bldg 75% impervious surface
30 ft.
2 stories
Research Park District
15 acres
min. lot size = 2 acres; min. 250 ft. of frontage
40 ft.
20 feet; 50 feet or equal to the height of building (whichever is greater) when abutting a residential district8
20 feet, 30 feet adjacent to a residential
20% bldg. 60% impervious surface
30 ft. 2-1/2 stories
Light Industrial District
1 acre
min. 100 ft. of frontage
40 ft.
20 feet; 50 feet or equal to the height of building (whichever is greater) when abutting a residential district8, 9
20 feet, 40 feet adjacent to a residential
governed by setbacks and landscapin g standards
40 ft.
General Industrial District
2 acres
min. 100 ft. of frontage
60 ft.
30 feet; 50 feet or equal to the height of building (whichever is greater) when abutting a residential district9
20 feet, 40 feet adjacent to a residential
governed by setbacks and landscapin g standards
60 ft.
Parking District
All setbacks adjacent to a residential   equal the required   of the residential . In other cases, the minimum along a   shall be; ten (10) feet and 0 where the parking lot abuts the adjacent principal which the lot serves. The for any parking shall be a minimum fifty (50) feet from any residential .
70% impervious surface or as governed by setbacks whichever is less.
Accessor y building 14 ft. Parking structure 40 ft.
*** Amendments to Article X allows a maximum of 50’ for mixed uses and establish a minimum height of 24’.
(Amended 2-14-1996; amended by Ordinance 1908-01, passed 8-14-2019; amended by Ord. 1710-01, passed 12-13-2017)
1   For containing easements, floodplain or MDNR regulated wetlands refer to the description of “” in Section 322.
2   Minimum is measured at the required   distance from except corner lots and double frontage lots are considered to have two front . Narrow deep lots be avoided. The depth of a lot generally shall not exceed three (3) times the width as measured at the for platted lots and four (4) times the width for unplatted lots.
3   See Article XXIII for , screening and buffering standards which increase the width of the required area.
4   Exceptions to  : Where fifty (50) percent or more of the aggregate frontage between two (2) successive intersecting streets is by buildings of the type and permitted in the before the effective date of this Ordinance or any amendments thereto, with a   less than required by this Ordinance, the minimum for new buildings be the average distance of existing buildings located within two hundred (200) feet on either side of a given lot. However, the depth of the resulting therefrom shall not be less than one-half (1/2) of the dimensions specified in the Schedule of Regulations.
5   Exceptions to height requirements: The following kinds of structural appurtenances be permitted to exceed the height limitations for authorized , upon approval of the .
   a.   Schools, churches and other similar institutional buildings be to a height not exceeding sixty (60) feet provided the front, side and rear shall not be less than the height of the building abutting on such .
   b.   Chimneys, church spires, cupolas, domes, towers, flag poles, penthouses, water tanks, radio or television or cellular phone antennae, monuments be to a height not exceeding sixty (60) feet unless approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Setbacks for television and cellular phone antennae be equal to half the height of the structure, provided that applicant demonstrates the design will protect adjacent uses and structures if the structure collapses.
   c.   Mechanical equipment such as blowers, ventilating fans and air conditioning units, be placed no closer than three (3) feet to any lot line in commercial districts and no closer than twelve (12) feet to any lot line in residential districts. Mechanical equipment in industrial districts shall comply with all setbacks.
   d.   Any mechanical equipment located on the roof of any building shall not exceed a height of ten (10) feet above the surrounding roof surface, and shall occupy no more than fifteen percent (15%) of the total roof area. When roof-mounted equipment is located on a building that is adjacent to a residential or is in view from the adjacent roadway, appropriate architectural screening shall be required.
   e.   Structural extensions appropriate to the building design, such as cornices, be limited to five feet above the stated height limit.
6   Where maximum height is described in both height and stories, the maximum height be whichever is less.
7   Where the building is connected to building on an adjoining lot by an approved fire wall, the required on the common side be reduced to zero (0) feet if permitted by the building and fire codes, provided a ten (10) foot   be provided if the wall includes any windows or similar openings.
8   The   be reduced to not less than twenty-five (25) feet by the if a wall or landscaped is provided to loading areas, and the rear of the building has the same architectural character and materials as the front and side.
9   All and display areas be in the and shall be completely screened with an obscuring wall as required in Section 2310. The   require the wall be up to eight (8) feet high in consideration of adjacent uses.
10   A greater or lesser distance be required by the . If a lesser is authorized, a corresponding width reduction to the requirements of Section 2303 Required Landscaping Along Public Streets also be permitted. The following criteria shall be employed by the to determine the minimum and maximum for a specific site in the Central Business District:
   (1)   Consistency with existing setbacks within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the same blockface or area, as appropriate; or
   (2)   Consistency with site limitations and constraints; or
   (3)   For sites bound by vacant lots, consistency with existing or historical setbacks within the same or opposite blockface or area; or
(Amended 2-14-1996)
   (4)   Avoidance of impacts upon recorded easements, rights-of-way, or sight distances; or
   (5)   Other site-specific considerations that warrant an increase or decrease in .
   (6)   Parking be located behind the front and no closer than 10 feet to a residential line.
(Amended 7-14-2010)