A PUD be designated by the City or may be requested by the applicant. If the City initiated the PUD, and the site is already designated PUD on the City Zoning Map, the applicant is still responsible for the submission of a PUD preliminary plan and materials as described below, however the site already be deemed as meeting the eligibility criteria of Section 1802 above.
   The PUD submittal and approval process is as follows:
   a.   Optional Preapplication Conference. Prior to formal submission of an application for planned unit approval, the applicant request a meeting with City staff and consultants to obtain guidance that will assist the applicant in preparation of the application and plan. The City charge a fee for the conference to cover administrative and consultant costs.
   b.   Submit PUD Request and Preliminary Plan: The applicant prepare and submit the following to the :
      1.   A completed application form and application fee. A separate escrow deposit be required for administrative costs and consultant fees to cover meeting costs and to review the PUD submittal.
      2.   Proof of ownership of the to be utilized or evidence of a contractual ability to acquire such , such as an option or purchase agreement.
      3.   A complete and current legal description and size of in acres.
      4.   An Impact Assessment meeting the requirements of Section 328. The of submittal copies be determined by the .
      5.   A site analysis map illustrating the location of existing buildings and structures, rights-of-way and easements; driveways adjacent to and across from the subject site; woodlands and trees outside woodlands over twelve inches (12”) in ; significant historical features; existing drainage patterns (by arrow), surface water bodies, floodplain areas and wetlands; topography at two (2) foot contour intervals; and surrounding uses, zoning and buildings within 100 feet of the subject site.
      6.   A preliminary illustrating a conceptual layout of proposed   , acreage allotted to each , residential (calculations be provided for both overall and buildable acreage as described in Section 322), building footprints, structures, required setbacks, roadways, parking areas, drives, driveways, pedestrian paths, conceptual landscape plan, to be preserved and a preliminary plan for utilities and stormwater management. If a multi-phase Planned Unit Development is proposed, identification of the areas included in each phase. For residential uses identify the , type, and proposed by phase.
      7.   A list of anticipated deviations from the Zoning Ordinance regulations which would otherwise be applicable.
      8.   Any other information which the or Council require to determine if the proposed project meets the eligibility criteria (e.g. preliminary building elevations, floor plans, plans, etc.)
      9.   A PUD Development Agreement that identifies any modifications from conventional zoning, obligation of the developer and subsequent owners, provisions for maintenance and similar information to clarify conditions of approval.
   c.   Planning Commission Review: The   submit the information to the . The   request a joint introductory meeting with the to discuss eligibility and help establish direction. The   review the PUD rezoning request and submittal information, conduct a public hearing, and make a recommendation to the based on the review standards of Section 1804.
   d.   City Council Review: Following receipt of a recommendation from the , the   conduct a public hearing on the requested PUD rezoning and the preliminary PUD site plan and either approve, deny or approve with a list of conditions made part of the approval. The shall review the request based on the standards of Section 1804. The   require a re-submittal of the preliminary PUD site plan reflecting the conditions for approval by the prior to submittal of a PUD Final Site Plan. The may impose additional reasonable conditions to insure public services and facilities will be capable of accommodating increased service and facility loads caused by the PUD, to protect the natural environment, to insure compatibility with adjacent uses of , and to promote the of in a socially and economically desirable manner.
   e.   Final Site Plan Approval: If the rezoning and preliminary are approved by the , the applicant submit a for review by the in accordance with Article XXIV and/or a subdivision for review in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations. The shall ensure that any phasing shall be logical, provide sufficient access if later phases are delayed and provide amenities and infrastructure improvements at least in proportion to the extent of the phase.
   f.   Amendments: If the determines that a proposed or is not consistent with the approved PUD, the applicant be directed to submit a request to amend the PUD following the same procedures outlined above.