The city shall repair all supply pipe between the commercial main and the stop box. The customer, at his or her own expense, shall replace and keep in repair all service pipe from the stop box to the place of dispersement. When leaks occur in service pipes, the City Services Director shall shut off water service until the leak is repaired at the expense of the customer to the satisfaction of the City Services Director. All water meters shall be kept in repair by the city at the expense of the city. When meters are worn out, they shall be replaced and reset by the city at the expense of the city; provided, that if the customer permits or allows a water meter to be damaged, injured, or destroyed through his or her own recklessness, carelessness, or neglect so that the meter must be repaired or replaced, the City Administrator shall bill and collect from the customer the cost of the meter repair or replacement in the same manner as water rent is collected. Permitting a water meter to be damaged or destroyed by freezing shall always be considered negligence on the part of the customer. All meters shall be tested at the customer's request at the expense of the customer any reasonable number of times; provided, that if the test shows the water meter to be running 2% or more fast, the expense of the test shall be borne by the city. The city reserves the right to test any water service meter at any time, and if the meter is found to be beyond repair, the city shall always have the right to place a new meter on the customer's water service fixtures at city expense. Should a consumer's meter fail to register properly, the customer shall be charged for water during the time the meter is out of repair on the basis of the monthly consumption during the same month of the preceding year; provided, that if no basis for comparison exists, the customer shall be charged the amount as may be reasonably fixed by the City Administrator. It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper with any water meter, or by any means or device to divert water from the service pipe so that the same shall not pass through the meter, or while passing through the meter, to cause the same to register inaccurately.
(Neb. RS 17-537) (Prior Code, § 3-106) (Ord. 776, passed 8-20-2002; Ord. 800, passed 10-18-2005)
(A) The City Council or the City Administrator may order a reduction in the use of water or shut off the water on any premise in the event of a water shortage due to fire or other good and sufficient cause. The city shall not be liable for any damages caused by shutting off the supply of water of any consumer while the system, or any part thereof, is undergoing repairs or when there is a shortage of water due to circumstances over which the city has no control.
(Prior Code, § 3-110)
(B) No consumer shall supply water to other families, or allow them to take water from his or her premise, nor after water is supplied into a building shall any person make or employ a plumber or other person to make a tap or connection with the pipe upon the premise for alteration, extension, or attachment without the written permission of the City Administrator. It shall further be unlawful for any person to tamper with any water meter or by means of any contrivance or device to divert the water from the service pipe so that the water will not pass through the meter or while passing through the meter to cause the meter to register inaccurately.
(Prior Code, § 3-109)
(Neb. RS 17-537) (Ord. 800, passed 10-18-2005)
The City Services Director, or his or her duly authorized agents, shall have free access, at any reasonable time, to all parts of each premise and building to, or in which, water is delivered for the purpose of examining the pipes, fixtures, and other portions of the system to ascertain whether there is any disrepair or unnecessary waste of water.
(Neb. RS 17-537) (Prior Code, § 3-115) (Ord. 776, passed 8-20-2002; Ord. 800, passed 10-18-2005)
(A) A customer of the City Water Department may be required by the City Services Director to install and maintain a properly located backflow prevention device at his or her expense appropriate to the potential hazards set forth in Title 179, State Department of Health, and approved by the City Services Director.
(B) The customer shall make application to the City Services Director to install a required backflow prevention device on a form provided by the city. The application shall contain at a minimum the name and address of the applicant, the potential hazard, the type of protection required, and the type of backflow device to be installed, including brand and model number.
(C) The City Services Director shall approve or disapprove the application based on his or her opinion of whether the installation will protect the city water distribution system from potential backflow and back-siphonage hazards.
(D) The installation of the device shall be subject to all other sections of this code of ordinances dealing with installation of plumbing, including the use of a plumber licensed by the city if applicable.
(E) The customer shall also certify to the city at least one time annually that the backflow prevention device, except those backflow prevention devices attached to a lawn sprinkler system, has been tested by a State Department of Health Grade VI Certified Water Operator if the device is equipped with a test port. The certification shall be made on a form available at the office of the City Clerk. Failure to certify the devices may result in immediate termination of service at the discretion of the City Services Director.
(F) Customers with lawn sprinklers are not required to inspect the backflow prevention devices that attach to the lawn sprinkler system.
(G) Any decision of the City Services Director may be appealed to the City Council.
(H) The City Services Director for purposes of this section shall mean the duly acting City Services Director of the city, or his or her authorized representative.
(Prior Code, § 3-117) (Ord. 752, passed 1-16-2001; Ord. 800, passed 10-18-2005)
(A) No customer or other person shall cause, allow, or create any physical connection between the city water distribution system and any pipes, pumps, hydrants, tanks, steam condensate returns, engine jackets, heat exchangers, other water supplies, or any other connection whereby potentially unsafe or contaminating materials may be discharged or drawn into the city water distribution system.
(B) At least one time every five years, customers or the city water distribution and supply system shall be required to assess and report potential backflow and back-siphonage hazards to the city on a form supplied by the city to the customer. The customer shall take any steps necessary for protection of public health and safety as determined by the City Services Director.
(Prior Code, § 3-118) (Ord. 776, passed 8-20-2002; Ord. 800, passed 10-18-2005)