General Provisions
52.001 Definitions
52.002 Operation and funding
52.003 Fluoride in water system prohibited
52.015 Application for service
52.016 Water contract
52.017 Installation expense
52.018 Repairs and maintenance
52.019 Restrictions on use; unlawful to divert
52.030 Hook-up to system mandatory
52.031 Access for inspection
52.032 Backflow prevention device required
52.033 Unsafe connection to system
Wellhead Protection
52.045 Purpose
52.046 Definition
52.047 Minimum distances from well
52.048 Exception to distance limits; conditions
52.049 Existing wells
52.050 Water conservation, drought, emergency, and shortage contingency plan
Fees and Rates
52.060 Rates and collection
52.061 Minimum rates
Unlawful Acts
52.075 Fire hydrants
52.076 Pollution
52.077 Destruction of property
52.999 Penalty